Aryavarta (India) before 5,000 years ago.
the people who liven in Aryvarta (India). This country is such that no other country in the whole world can come up to the level of its excellence. It is also called the Golden Land as it produces gold and precious stones. It was for this reason that in the beginning of the world the Aryas cam to this country. We have already stated in the Chapter on Cosmogony that the good and the noble men are called Aryas, whilst those who are oth...erwise are called Dasyus.
The natives of all other countries on the earth praise this very country, and believe that the philosopher's stone is to be found here. Though this story of the philosopher's stone is a myth, yet it is true that this country (Aryavarta) itself is verily a philosopher's stone whose very touch converts all base metals - poor foreigners - into gold - rich nabobs.
Since the beginning of the world till 5,000 years back, the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the whole earth, in other words, there was only one paramount power whose suzerainty was acknowledged by the rulers of the earth. Till the time of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, all rulers of the earth and their subjects obeyed the law laid sown by the rulers of this country, for it is said in the Manu Smriti, that was compose in the beginning of the world. "Let all other people of the earth - Brahmans*, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shoodras, Dasyus and Malecchas - learn arts
* Braahaman's _Teachers - secular and spiritual.
Kshatriyas - Men of governing class, statesmen, soldiers, etc.
Vaishyeas - Merchants, artisans and farmers.
Shoodraas - Men of the servant class, laborer.
Dasyus - Wicked people
Malechhas - Barbarians.
and science suitable to them from the learned people born in this country." MANU 2: 20.
The perusal of the Mahaabhaarata proves that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth till the coronation of EmperorYudhisthtira and the Great War of Mahaabhaarata, for we read in that book that King Bhaagadatta of China, Babruvaahan of America, Vidalakha* of Europe, the Ruler of Greece, King Shalya of Persia and various other rulers came as ordered to take part in the Great War and in the coronation of Emperor Yudhishthira.
Whe the house of Raghu held paramount authority (in this country), even King Raavana of Ceylon acknowledged its suzerainty. Later when he revolted against its authority, Prince Ram Chandra having vanquished and dethroned him placed his younger brother Vibhishana on the throne instead. Since the time of Swyambhava to that of the Paandavas the Aryas were the paramount power throughout the whole world.
Thereafter, mutual dissensions among them compassed their destruction, for in this world, over which a just God presides, the rule of the proud, the unjust and the ignorant (such as the Kauravas were) cannot last very long. It is also a law of nature that the accumulation of wealth in a community out of al proportion to its needs and requirements brings in its train indolence, jealousy, mutual hatred, lustfulness, luxury and neglect of duty which put an end to all sound learning and education, whose place is usurped by evil customs, manners and practices like the use of meat and wine, child marriage, and licentiousness.
Besides, when people acquire perfection in the military science and the art of war, and the army becomes so formidable that no one in the whole world can stand it on a field of battle, pride and party spirit increase among them and they become unjust. Thereafter, the lose all power either through mutual dissensions, or a strong man from among families of little importance rises to distinction and is powerful enough to subjugate them, just as Shivajee and Gobind Singh rose against Mohammedan rule and completely annihilated the Muslim power in India.
The fact that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth since the beginning of the world till the Great War called Mahaabhaarata, is also proved on the authority of the Maitreyopanishad
which says, "Why! Besides these, there have been other Mighty Rulers who were the Sovereign Lords of the whole earth; such as Sudyumna, Bhuridyumna, Indraashwapati, Shashavindu Harishchandra, Ambrisha, Nanaktu, Saryati,Anarnya, Akshasena, and also such like Emperors as Mauruta and Bharat." MAITRY UPANISHAD, 1,4.
the people who liven in Aryvarta (India). This country is such that no other country in the whole world can come up to the level of its excellence. It is also called the Golden Land as it produces gold and precious stones. It was for this reason that in the beginning of the world the Aryas cam to this country. We have already stated in the Chapter on Cosmogony that the good and the noble men are called Aryas, whilst those who are oth...erwise are called Dasyus.
The natives of all other countries on the earth praise this very country, and believe that the philosopher's stone is to be found here. Though this story of the philosopher's stone is a myth, yet it is true that this country (Aryavarta) itself is verily a philosopher's stone whose very touch converts all base metals - poor foreigners - into gold - rich nabobs.
Since the beginning of the world till 5,000 years back, the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the whole earth, in other words, there was only one paramount power whose suzerainty was acknowledged by the rulers of the earth. Till the time of the Kauravas and the Pandavas, all rulers of the earth and their subjects obeyed the law laid sown by the rulers of this country, for it is said in the Manu Smriti, that was compose in the beginning of the world. "Let all other people of the earth - Brahmans*, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shoodras, Dasyus and Malecchas - learn arts
* Braahaman's _Teachers - secular and spiritual.
Kshatriyas - Men of governing class, statesmen, soldiers, etc.
Vaishyeas - Merchants, artisans and farmers.
Shoodraas - Men of the servant class, laborer.
Dasyus - Wicked people
Malechhas - Barbarians.
and science suitable to them from the learned people born in this country." MANU 2: 20.
The perusal of the Mahaabhaarata proves that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth till the coronation of EmperorYudhisthtira and the Great War of Mahaabhaarata, for we read in that book that King Bhaagadatta of China, Babruvaahan of America, Vidalakha* of Europe, the Ruler of Greece, King Shalya of Persia and various other rulers came as ordered to take part in the Great War and in the coronation of Emperor Yudhishthira.
Whe the house of Raghu held paramount authority (in this country), even King Raavana of Ceylon acknowledged its suzerainty. Later when he revolted against its authority, Prince Ram Chandra having vanquished and dethroned him placed his younger brother Vibhishana on the throne instead. Since the time of Swyambhava to that of the Paandavas the Aryas were the paramount power throughout the whole world.
Thereafter, mutual dissensions among them compassed their destruction, for in this world, over which a just God presides, the rule of the proud, the unjust and the ignorant (such as the Kauravas were) cannot last very long. It is also a law of nature that the accumulation of wealth in a community out of al proportion to its needs and requirements brings in its train indolence, jealousy, mutual hatred, lustfulness, luxury and neglect of duty which put an end to all sound learning and education, whose place is usurped by evil customs, manners and practices like the use of meat and wine, child marriage, and licentiousness.
Besides, when people acquire perfection in the military science and the art of war, and the army becomes so formidable that no one in the whole world can stand it on a field of battle, pride and party spirit increase among them and they become unjust. Thereafter, the lose all power either through mutual dissensions, or a strong man from among families of little importance rises to distinction and is powerful enough to subjugate them, just as Shivajee and Gobind Singh rose against Mohammedan rule and completely annihilated the Muslim power in India.
The fact that the Aryas were the sovereign rulers of the earth since the beginning of the world till the Great War called Mahaabhaarata, is also proved on the authority of the Maitreyopanishad
which says, "Why! Besides these, there have been other Mighty Rulers who were the Sovereign Lords of the whole earth; such as Sudyumna, Bhuridyumna, Indraashwapati, Shashavindu Harishchandra, Ambrisha, Nanaktu, Saryati,Anarnya, Akshasena, and also such like Emperors as Mauruta and Bharat." MAITRY UPANISHAD, 1,4.
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