Phyllanthus Urinaria

The Chamberbitter (Phyllanthus urinaria / gripewood / chanca Piedra ( 7) / leafflower) native herb plant of Asia, and shrub nuisance for landscapes in Southern States: Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, New Mexico or Texas. Description of the herb plant: “Flowers are greenish white, minute and appear at axiles of the leaves, as well as the see capsules. Numerous small green-red fruits, round and smooth, are found along the underside of the stems, which are erect and red.” In the early summer months the broadleaf shrub weed surfaces from warm soils. The Chamberbitter can reach a height of two feet. 1 Many land-owners displeasure this herb weed growth (2). For more than 2,000 years the Phyllanthus urinaria has been prescribed in Andean (Encompassing South America countries 3) medicine and traditional uses. 4 Scientists continue to explore the medicinal life saving treatment of the herb Chamberbitter.
One of the worst weeds for landscapes and nurseries is the Chamberbitter. “Just one plant can release thousands of seeds.” The gripewood is hardy plant that can survive and flourish in the most harsh drought environment. A solution for farmers to eradicate this germinating weed use atrazine (Farmers have relied upon this herbicide for fifty years to fight weeds 5) a couple of times during the growing season. 6 Otherwise, repeated application of herbicide that contains 2, 4 – D (“Weed-B-Gon, Weed Stop, Wipe-Out, etc), controls the weed infestation. 2 Advisable to maintain two – four inch layer of mulch in flower beds, limits the invasion of the Chamberbitter weed. 6 Otherwise, pulling the weed out of the ground may provide sufficient results. 2 The Phyllanthus urinaria does not survive in frost winter months. 6
Civilizations in South America picked Chamberbitter leaves and flowers for medicinal treatment. In Peru, the weed has been an effective treatment to eliminate gall and kidney stones (Chana piedra in South America and the Amazon referred to as “Stone Breaker” 7), bladder inflammation, urinary tract infection, liver problems and chronic hepatitis B or jaundice. “Pharmacology: the primary action of stone breaker is on the liver, it acts by the inhibition of DNA polymerase on the hepatitis B virus.” 4 Besides, herb prevents kidney stones from developing. 7 The book ‘Cat’s Claw: Healing Vine in Peru”, author Kenneth Jones documented the Chanca Piedra extract to be three times more stronger than morphine for inflammatory pain, especially after surgery. 7 “Usual Dosage: 3 times a day for two months.” No side effect has been reported. Available by non-prescription Chanca Piedra tabs each 350 milligrams. Not advisable for children and pregnant women take Chanca Piedra before consulting their physician. 4
“In more affluent countries such as the United States, fatty liver is believed to affect 40 percent of people (15 – 30 percent of the population in Asia) and is the fifth-leading cause of liver failure and liver cancer.” 8 A study by Hong Kong scientist confirmed the plant phyllanthus urinaria reduced substantially fat levels of mice afflicted with nonalcoholic steatahepatitis (NASH) or fatty liver 8: Accumulation of fat in the liver not linked to drinking alcohol and may lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Risk factors likely attributed to NASH: Diabetes, obesity (pot belly), and high cholesterol. Symptoms of nonalcoholic steataheaptitis include Weight loss, fatigue, discomfort in the upper right part of the belly and general weakness. 9 Currently team of scientist in Hong Kong (University Center for Liver Health), evaluating the treatment of chamberbitter among 60 patients with NASH. 8

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