1.Microwave popcorn is certainly convenient, but the bags have perfluoroctanoic acid, a chemical that can be toxic to the body including bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver, and testicular cancers.It may also increase the risk of infertility.
2.Non-Organic Fruits -Tainted with pesticides, such as thiodicarb, nitrogen fertilizers, atrazine, and organophosphates.

3.Canned Tomatoes-These cans have a lining in them that contain BPA, or bisphenol-A.It could cause variety of cancers and changing how the genes in the body work.

4.Processed meat-These meats contain sodium nitrates and other potentially dangerous preservatives and chemicals that scientists say are carcinogens.

5.Farmed Salmon -It contains chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, and other carcinogens that are potentially dangerous to the body.
6.Potato Chips -Potato chips certainly offer no health benefits, but they may actually have a negative impact on your health that goes beyond the high level of calories and fats.
7.Hydrogenated Oils -They contain an excessive amount of Omega-6 fatty acids and when someone consumes too much of this nutrient, it can increase the risk of cancer.

8.Highly Processed White Flours-To make the flour as white as it is, is has to go through a bleaching process and this involves the use of chlorine gas.
9.GMO Foods-Will certainly change ur genes of offsprings if not you.
10-Refined sugars-QUIT NOW-White poison. Use stevia or BVrown molases or Indian Jaggery.
Read more- HERE.
2.Non-Organic Fruits -Tainted with pesticides, such as thiodicarb, nitrogen fertilizers, atrazine, and organophosphates.
3.Canned Tomatoes-These cans have a lining in them that contain BPA, or bisphenol-A.It could cause variety of cancers and changing how the genes in the body work.
4.Processed meat-These meats contain sodium nitrates and other potentially dangerous preservatives and chemicals that scientists say are carcinogens.
5.Farmed Salmon -It contains chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, and other carcinogens that are potentially dangerous to the body.
6.Potato Chips -Potato chips certainly offer no health benefits, but they may actually have a negative impact on your health that goes beyond the high level of calories and fats.
7.Hydrogenated Oils -They contain an excessive amount of Omega-6 fatty acids and when someone consumes too much of this nutrient, it can increase the risk of cancer.
8.Highly Processed White Flours-To make the flour as white as it is, is has to go through a bleaching process and this involves the use of chlorine gas.
9.GMO Foods-Will certainly change ur genes of offsprings if not you.
10-Refined sugars-QUIT NOW-White poison. Use stevia or BVrown molases or Indian Jaggery.
Read more- HERE.
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