Yoga asanas (postures) were designed with this principle of achieving the right blood circulation throughout the body & boosting immunity by activating the glands which in turn will keep the body healthy by avoiding internal diseases to come up in the first place, and also help one protect from external diseases to certain extent by boosting immunity. Each Yoga posture stimulates certain tissues/glands/organs, providing a sort of massaging effect and improving the blood circulation in that area of the body, eliminating toxins & thereby making one healthy.
Of late, doctors & scientists, especially in USA have been putting lot of efforts in research related to Yoga. Some of them with entrepreneur mindset have been repackaging some of them into fancy names and selling it to patients. For example, one of the most popular traditional form of yogic punishment is being branded as “Superbrain Yoga” and taught as a workshop where hundreds of dollars are being charged per patient
Some of the serious research in US includes 8 week experiment conducted for “older adults” to observe the effect of Yoga on their performance & executive function. It was found that there was significantly improved performance, enhanced memory capacity & overall efficiency.

There aremany of research papers affirming that Yoga increases the quality of life, controls hypertension, cures depression, and there are even medical research papers which shows that Yoga helps in organizational performance & job satisfaction.
Due to such proven health benefits & scientific backing, Yoga has now pervaded into the US and has been incorporated into schools as well, despite some opposition, which was eventually overruled by the US courts.
However, the situation of Yoga in its own country (India) where it had originated 5000 years ago, looks bleak due to complexities of political secularism which has resulted into a religious debate, with the case going all the way to the ultimate Judicial body in India i.e The Supreme Court.

Hope Yoga will contain om and will have deep root in country of origin,India and will not buckle under pressure from so called pseudo secular people.