Friday, April 24, 2015

The Science of Yoga

Yoga asanas (postures) were designed with this principle of achieving the right blood circulation throughout the body & boosting immunity by activating the glands which in turn will keep the body healthy by avoiding internal diseases to come up in the first place, and also help one protect from external diseases to certain extent by boosting immunity. Each Yoga posture stimulates certain tissues/glands/organs, providing a sort of massaging effect and improving the blood circulation in that area of the body, eliminating toxins & thereby making one healthy.
Of late, doctors & scientists, especially in USA have been putting lot of efforts in research related to Yoga. Some of them with entrepreneur mindset have been repackaging some of them into fancy names and selling it to patients. For example, one of the most popular traditional form of yogic punishment is being branded as “Superbrain Yoga” and taught as a workshop where hundreds of dollars are being charged per patient
Some of the serious research in US includes 8 week experiment conducted for “older adults” to observe the effect of Yoga on their performance & executive function. It was found that there was significantly improved performance, enhanced memory capacity & overall efficiency.
There aremany of research papers affirming that Yoga increases the quality of life, controls hypertension, cures depression, and there are even medical research papers which shows that Yoga helps in organizational performance & job satisfaction.
Due to such proven health benefits & scientific backing, Yoga has now pervaded into the US and has been incorporated into schools as well, despite some opposition, which was eventually overruled by the US courts.

However, the situation of Yoga in its own country (India) where it had originated 5000 years ago, looks bleak due to complexities of political secularism which has resulted into a religious debate, with the case going all the way to the ultimate Judicial body in India i.e The Supreme Court.
Hope Yoga will contain om and will have deep root in country of origin,India and will not buckle under pressure from so called pseudo secular people.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

10 Cancer toxic foods we eat everyday.

1.Microwave popcorn is certainly convenient, but the bags have perfluoroctanoic acid, a chemical that can be toxic to the body including bladder, pancreas, kidney, liver, and testicular cancers.It may also increase the risk of infertility.

2.Non-Organic Fruits -Tainted with pesticides, such as thiodicarb, nitrogen fertilizers, atrazine, and organophosphates.

3.Canned Tomatoes-These cans have a lining in them that contain BPA, or bisphenol-A.It could cause variety of cancers and changing how the genes in the body work.

4.Processed meat-These meats contain sodium nitrates and other potentially dangerous preservatives and chemicals that scientists say are carcinogens.

5.Farmed Salmon -It contains chemicals, pesticides, antibiotics, and other carcinogens that are potentially dangerous to the body.

6.Potato Chips -Potato chips certainly offer no health benefits, but they may actually have a negative impact on your health that goes beyond the high level of calories and fats.
7.Hydrogenated Oils -They contain an excessive amount of Omega-6 fatty acids and when someone consumes too much of this nutrient, it can increase the risk of cancer.

8.Highly Processed White Flours-To make the flour as white as it is, is has to go through a bleaching process and this involves the use of chlorine gas.
9.GMO Foods-Will certainly change ur genes of offsprings if not you.
10-Refined sugars-QUIT NOW-White poison. Use stevia or BVrown molases or Indian Jaggery.

Read more- HERE.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Vegetarian diet


"One must eat appropriately and not take after food as hogs take after stool. For a human being there are eatables described in Bhagavad-gita (17.8) as sattvika-ahara, or food in the mode of goodness. One should not indulge in eating food in the modes of passion and ignorance. This is called ucitahara, or appropriate eating. One who is always eating meat or drinking liquor, which is eating and drinking in passion and ignorance, must give these things up so that his real consciousness may be awakened. In this way one may become peaceful and refreshed. If one is restless or fatigued, one cannot understand the science of God. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.20):

evam prasanna-manaso
mukta-sangasya jayate

Unless one can become free from the influence of passion and ignorance, he cannot be pacified, and without being pacified, one cannot understand the science of God."
(Srimad-Bhagavatam 4:26:11)

"Foods in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one's existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such nourishing foods are sweet, juicy, fatty and palatable.

Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, pungent, dry and hot, are liked by people in the mode of passion. Such foods cause pain, distress, and disease.

Food cooked more than three hours before being eaten, which is tasteless, stale, putrid, decomposed and unclean, is food liked by people in the mode of ignorance.

Purport: The purpose of food is to increase the duration of life, purify the mind and aid bodily strength. This is its only purpose. In the past, great authorities selected those foods that best aid health and increase life's duration, such as milk products, sugar, rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables. These foods are very dear to those in the mode of goodness. Some other foods, such as baked corn and molasses, while not very palatable in themselves, can be made pleasant when mixed with milk or other foods. They are then in the mode of goodness. All these foods are pure by nature. They are quite distinct from untouchable things like meat and liquor. Fatty foods, as mentioned in the eighth verse, have no connection with animal fat obtained by slaughter. Animal fat is available in the form of milk, which is the most wonderful of all foods. Milk, butter, cheese and similar products give animal fat in a form which rules out any need for the killing of innocent creatures. It is only through brute mentality that this killing goes on. The civilized method of obtaining needed fat is by milk. Slaughter is the way of subhumans. Protein is amply available through split peas, dal, whole wheat, etc.

Foods in the mode of passion, which are bitter, too salty, or too hot or overly mixed with red pepper, cause misery by producing mucus in the stomach, leading to disease. Foods in the mode of ignorance or darkness are essentially those that are not fresh. Any food cooked more than three hours before it is eaten (except prasadam, food offered to the Lord) is considered to be in the mode of darkness. Because they are decomposing, such foods give a bad odor, which often attracts people in this mode but repulses those in the mode of goodness.

Bhagavad-gita as it is 17:8-10 Text and Purport

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cannabis(Marijuana) Helps as adjunct or alone against cancer.

A group of researchers have  revealed how cannabis actually kills cancer cells. Description Cannabis sativa plant (9).JPG
The research, which was conducted by a team of scientists at St. George’s University of London, found that the two most common cannabinoids in marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), weakened the ferocity of cancer cells and made them more susceptible to radiation treatment, said Mike Adams of Herbal Dispatch.
Donc, nous demandons une légalisation complète du Cannabis.The study, which was published last year in the medical journal Molecular Cancer Therapies, details the “dramatic reductions” in fatal variations of brain cancer when these specific cannabinoids were used in conjunction with radiation therapy.
Recent animal studies have shown that marijuana can kill certain cancer cells and reduce the size of others,” the NIDA report said. “Evidence from one animal study suggests that extracts from whole-plant marijuana can shrink one of the most serious types of brain tumours. 


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

MICROWAVE toxicity-emits radiation

microwaveMicrowave ovens, is still regularly used as a part of meal preparation and re-heating in approximately 90% of American homes.

Microwaves Alter Your Food’s Chemical Structure

Microwaves heat food by causing the water molecules contained within to vibrate at very high frequencies, eventually turning those molecules into steam. It is this reaction which increases the temperature of your food.
Heating your food in general is known to damage nutrients, but also does “microwave effect.” The study also referenced a 1995 study in which a scientist successfully demonstrated that microwaves – unlike other heating devices – are capable of destroying viral DNA.(1)
Another study conducted in 2003 examined broccoli prepared in the microwave and found that the vegetable had lost 97% of its valuable antioxidant content through the cooking process.
The best possible cooking method also extends into the oil you choose to prepare your food with, since many oils are found to turn rancid when heated past a certain point. You can find out more about that HERE and see one better alternative HERE.

Container Chemicals & Food Fats Leak Into Your Food

Chemicals such as polyethylene terpthalate (PET), benzene, toluene, xylene, the now well-known BPA, and even it’s so-called safer alternative BPS. Many of these chemicals have been linked to the impairment of female reproductive elements and brain development, along with diabetes, prostate disease, and more. The microwaving of fatty foods in “microwave safe” plastic containers has also been found to lead to the release of the known carcinogen dioxins.(1)

Even A New & Safety Inspected Microwave Can Leak Radiation

Even a brand new, perfectly functioning and locking microwave can expose us to up to 400 milliGauss of unwanted radiation. To put that into perspective, a mere 4 milliGauss has been linked to leukemia.(1) Steering clear of microwaves when in use is certainly advisable for all but is particularly critical for both pregnant women and children. Given that microwaves are most often used in the midst of the cooking process, steering clear of them can often be quite difficult, further exemplifying why they should be avoided altogether if possible.


Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Akash Mudra

 for heart disease, dizziness and joint pains
It is useful in the treatment of heart diseases and related disorders (such as blood pressure), dizziness and pain in the joints.
Akash Mudra helps in case of deficiency of energy inside the body, which weakens the heart and causes problems in body areas associated with the space like ears and joints.
It strengthens bones and gives you relief from the joint pains. It also gets rid of dizziness and makes you fearless.
Connect the tip of the thumb to the tip of the middle finger. The remaining three fingers are in a relaxed state.

Kubera Mudra for the fulfilment of desires

Kubera Mudra for the fulfilment of desires
This Mudra is dedicated to Kubera, the demi-god of wealth according to Hindu mythology. While practising it, meditate with your closed eyes and think of your desire or the object that you want. The daily practice of this will help you in attracting the desired material objects, in one form or another. It also gives you relief from sinus and gives poise, confidence and peace of mind.
Join the index finger ,middle finger and the thumb. When these three elements are combined in Kubera Mudra, the resulting energy begins to pass in the universe.



Keep the ring finger’s tip at the root of the thumb and lock the ring finger with the thumb and apply gentle pressure for good result.
a). Balances the body, balances obesity, reduces body weight.
b) Increases heat in the body for good digestion.
c). As surya represents sun’ symbolically, naturally it draws energy from sun and makes a person energetic.
d). Very useful in Diabetes, reduces cholesterol, useful in liver problems.
e) Reduces severe headache and removes tension.
f). Very useful in the removal of Goitre.
Faith is the source of energy, which when applied along with such
Mudra practices can bring miraculous cure in any diseases.

Prithvi Mudra for fatigue,power,stability

Prithvi Mudra treats fatigue, provide power and stability
Join the tips of the thumb and the ring finger and extend the other three fingers.
It recovers energy in the root chakra. It increases the element of earth in the body, thus providing power to all the organs in deficit of any kind. It is good for bones, skin, cartilage, nails and hair
It helps to control your anger by stimulating your body temperature and increases the level of patience. Do this for 15 minutes when you feel a lack of energy and stability.
Join the tips of the thumb and the ring finger and extend the other three fingers as shown in the figure

Shankh Mudra cures sore throat and problems with speech

Shankh Mudra cures sore throat and problems with speech
Surround your left thumb with the four fingers of your right hand. After that join your right thumb with the middle finger of your left hand.
This Mudra resembles conch shells that are traditionally used in Hindu temples for worship.
Shankh Mudra helps those who have problems with speech or stuttering. It improves the quality of your voice by perfecting the pitch or resonance.
This mudra also balances the secretion inside the thyroid gland and cures sore throat. Practice it for fifteen minutes whenever necessary.
Never do this mudra after meals.

Surabhi Mudra for rheumatism

Surabhi Mudra is useful for the treatment of rheumatism and for the fulfilment of dreams
In Hindu mythology, Kamdhenu is the celestial cow that fulfils all your wishes. Shape formed with fingers while practicing Surabhi mudra resembles the cow’s udder. Surabhi Mudra creates a balance of elements in the body and cures rheumatism. Simply practice Surabhi hand gestures for fifteen minutes three times a day.
This Mudra also assists in the manifestation of thought. Meditate while practicing surabhi and try to think of your positive wishes and thoughts.
Join the little finger of left hand with ring finger of right hand. Join the ring finger of left hand with little finger of eight hand. Make sure that index finger of one hand touches the middle finger of other hand. Extend the thumbs.

Unhealthy semen – An ayurvedic view

Unhealthy semen – An ayurvedic view
Unhealthy semen or abnormalities in semen lead to infertility in men. According ayurveda unhealthy semen is known as dooshita shukra. When vitiated doshas affect semen, the semen loses its ability to fertilize egg.
The semen and its contents are referred as “beeja” in ayurveda. The Sanskrit word “Beeja” denotes seed. Acharya Charaka while explaining semen and its vitiation by doshas, gives the following example.
Yathaa beejamkaalaambukrimikeetagnidooshitam |
Na virohati samdushtam tathaa shukram shareerinaam ||
This denotes that “The seeds of plants loose their potency when affected by altered climate, insects, forest fires and non availability of water. Like wise the beeja (semen and sperms) in human beings get affected by doshas and loses its potency to produce offspring.”
When vitiated vata affects semen, the semen becomes frothy, thin and loses its stickiness. The volume of semen decreases and semen becomes thin. The sperm count reduces and the ejaculation is painful.
The semen affected by vitiated pitta looks yellow in colour and has offensive odor. The ejaculation is accompanied with burning sensation in penis. In this condition number of healthy sperms reduces.
When vitiated kapha affects semen, it increases stickiness of semen and takes long time to liquefy. The motility of sperms get affected due to presence of kapha.
Some times due to injury in genital tract and increased sexual intercourse lead to ejaculation of semen with blood stains
Vayu which gets aggravated due to suppression of sexual urge causes clumping of semen. This type of semen is known as “avasaadi” type of semen in ayurveda.
Signs of pure semen: According to Acharya Charaka the pure semen is described as
“ Snigdham ghanam picchilam cha madhuram chaavidaahi cha ||
Retaha shuddham vijaaneeyaacchavettam sphatikasannibham |”
The semen which is thick, sticky, sweet, pearly white and ejaculated without any irritation has to be considered as pure semen.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Electricity from Cow Urine

Electricity from Cow Urine
A 13-year-old school girl studying in 8th class generated electricity from cow’s urine. Sakshi Dashora, a student of Gadvada Vyas Academy, Mavli made a project ‘Importance of cow breed in 21st century’ entailing the scientific use of cow’s urine and cow dung.
Under Ministry of Science and Technology’s Inspire Award, the project will get international recognition. This project will be represented in Japan at a 7-day seminar af...ter 2 months. Sakshi will be giving a lecture at the event.
Sakshi informed that cow urine has sodium, potassium, magnesium, sulphur and phosphorous. In her project, she immersed copper and aluminum electrode in one liter urine which was attached to LED watch via wires. The watch started to work with generation of electricity and was inferred that electricity will be produced according to the quantity of the urine.
Before Sakshi in 2011, a government senior secondary school of Boileauganj in Shimla was also experimenting with cow's urine to generate electricity. With the help of one-litre fresh cow urine, copper and zinc strips and batteries, approximately two volts power can be generated that can run a clock for 15 days.
Principal Rajinder Singh Rana said, "We researched this technique around six months ago when we brought cow's urine to teach the distillation process to students. Then we thought of utilizing it for some other purpose." Now the school plans to utilize cow urine for lighting a study lamp.
Early this year, the idea of generating energy from cow urine was presented in 102nd Indian Science Congress by Indian scientists, which was made fun by many.
‪#‎CowUrine‬ ‪#‎Electricity‬ ‪#‎India‬ ‪#‎IndianScienceCongress‬ ‪#‎Rajsamand‬ VEDIC Science Mystery of India Ancient Indian science
Sources And Readings:
Zee News UdaipurTimes The Times of India…/electricity-in-ancient-indi……/electricity-in-ancient-indi… See More

Hair loss treatment-Onion Juice is best for hair fall,alopecia. Natural Hair conditioner

Ayurvedic Remedies For Hair Growth & Avoid Hair Loss
Onion juice, when applied to the scalp increases catalase levels on the skins surface, reducing the buildup of hydrogen peroxide and boosting hair health.
Few research results found that just after four weeks of using onion juice, 74% of individuals with alopecia areata (extreme medical case where the immune system forces hair fall) experienced significant hair regrowth. Within six weeks of using onion juice, 84% of the individuals were reported to have hair regrowth.

Loosing 50 to 100 strands of hair a day is perfectly normal. If it exceeds  you’ll notice bald patches and thinning of the hair.This condition is known as alopecia.
Here are natural herbal remedies to facilitating hair growth.

Onion and garlic
Ayurveda for Hair Fall:  10 Ayurveda Tips to Reduce Hair FallSulphur increase collagen production, which in turn promotes hair growth. Onion and garlic are great sources of sulphur, and this is why they have been used for decades as traditional hair conditioners. All you do is chop the onion, squeeze the juice and apply it to the scalp. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse with mild shampoo. With garlic, you fine chop some cloves, mix with coconut oil and boil for a few minutes. When the mixture has cooled off, apply to your scalp. For optimum results, repeat the treatment twice a week.
Coconut comes with a variety of ingredients that naturally condition and promote hair growth. Coconut contains proteins, minerals and essential fats that help reduce hair breakage. Coconut oil also contains ingredients that strengthen hair follicles and roots. Regular use of this treatment will strengthen your hair and reduce hair loss. Just cut open a coconut, squeeze the milk and mix with a little water before gently applying to areas where you notice thinning and balding. Rinse off with water the next morning.
Widely known in Asia as a natural herbal remedy for strengthening hair and maintaining its color. It works even better when combined with mustard oil.
Hibiscus and coconut are major components in strengthening the hair. Hibiscus contains several rejuvenating properties that nourish the hair, prevent dandruff and prevent the formation of premature grey hair. Regular use of these flowers will also mitigate hair loss.Use hibiscus flowers and mix with coconut oil to form a paste. Apply to the hair and leave for a few hours, then rinse off.
Amla is rich vitamin C and antioxidants, making the ideal solution for hair loss. Not only is it good for the hair, but when consumed it can bring about several benefits to the body. Crush the fruit and mix it with lime. Mix the two and apply to the scalp and leave to dry. Rinse with warm water.
Eggs are also an excellent source of sulphur and other minerals such as iron, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and iodine. These minerals promote hair growth more especially when mixed with olive oil. Mix the egg white with olive oil and apply to the scalp. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with cold water.
Hair loss is normally attributed to a poor diet or inadequate hair care. Make sure to eat a well balanced diet with all the minerals essential for good hair growth. Also avoid harsh chemicals that may reduce the lifespan of your hair.

Other methods are useful also-
-tea made from Burdock and Marmelos (Bilva) is good for dry hair.
-Apply a paste made from 2 tsp. henna powder, 1 tsp. curd, 1 tsp. fenugreek(methi seeds)  powder, 1 tbsp. coffee, 2 tbsp. mint juice and 2 tbsp tulasi juice. Apply this paste to the hair and leave it in for two hours. For a darker colour, leave this paste in for 3 to 4 hours and wash with cold water.
-Oiling and massaging of scalp - Use coconut oil three times in a week.
-Other oils like Neelibhringadi oil, Kunthala kanthi oil, Kanjunnyadi oil are very useful.
-Applying juice of green coriander leaves on the hair helps.
-Could wash hair with a paste of cooked green gram and fenugreek (methi) x3 times a week.
-A paste of licorice (Saunf) or fennel seeds) mix with milk can be applied on the bald patches.
-The seeds of fenugreek soaked in coconut oil and kept under direct sunlights for seven days and applied to the scalp, helps prevents hair loss.
-Boil handful of crushed Margosa (neem) leaves in 4 cups of water. Cool and filter the liquid and  rinse your hair.
-Use Bhringraja  oil for hair loss.
Modified from article by , co founder of

Fenugreek (METHI SEEDS)-helpful for Diabetes, cancer and variety of hair issues

Fenugreek - 6 Reasons Why This Herb and Spice Belongs In Your Medicine CabinetTrigonella foenum in graecum (Fenugreek) is  used to treat disorders like diabetes, low lactation, respiratory ailments, wounds, inflammation, gastrointestinal ailments, detoxification of heavy metals, pain, colds and even cancer.

Fenugreek is used as an herb (dried or fresh leaves), spice (seeds), and vegetable (fresh leaves, sprouts, and microgreens). It has a chemical "Sotolon" for fenugreek’s distinctive sweet smell.
They contain alkaloids (mainly trigonelline) and protein high in lysine (Lysine is an essential amino acid needed for growth and to help maintain nitrogen balance in the body.)L-tryptophan. Its steroidal saponins are thought to inhibit cholesterol absorption and synthesis. Fenugreek lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood, but does not lower HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. The typical range of intake for cholesterol-lowering is 5-30 grams with each meal or 15-90 grams all at once with one meal.
 Due to the potential uterine stimulating properties of fenugreek, which may cause miscarriages, fenugreek should not be used during pregnancy.
Modified from

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Indian Ayurvedic Healing

'One of the gods of this natural healing system.'Indian Ayurvedic Healing
The Hindu god of ayurveda, Dhanvantari One of the most ancient is the Indian Ayurvedic system, which is still common at a community level in India. In Africa, the Americas, and in Australia and New Zealand, the indigenous peoples have their own medicinal practices using plants. Their ideas about healing are deeply rooted in their culture and traditions. Some have used plant drugs that have subsequently been adopted by Western medicine.
Medicinal knowledge gained by trial and error in India, Central and South East Asia was practiced some four thousand years ago in a system of medicine called Ayurveda. This simple system was followed by both high and low castes and many of its claims and teachings have been confirmed by modern medicinal techniques.
The origins of the system are lost in time, but are said to have been handed down by the early Vedic deities. In legend it is said to have been taught by the creator, Brahma, to the Prajapati Daksha. (One of the lords of the animals) who taught it in turn to the divine twins called the Asvins. These Asvins are the heavenly healers. They taught Indra, the chief of the shining ones. When mankind began suffering from various diseases they beseeched their gods for remedies to their ailments. The wise man Bharadvaja was visited upon by Indra and the knowledge of medicine was told to him. Gradually this vast knowledge was divided into 8 branches called ‘The Ayurvedic System’.
'Ayurveda' in Sanskrit means 'the science of life' or 'the science of ( (living to a ripe) age' and was dominant in the Indian sub-continent from 1500 BC until the tenth century AD. Ayurvedic doctors believe that there are seven 'dhatus' or elements (food juices, flesh, blood, iat, bones, marrow and semen) in the body and three 'tridosa' or humours (wind, bile and phlegm). In the body of a healthy person there is a good balance between the dhatus and the tridosa, which may be affected by the constitution you inherit.
Ancient India vis-à-vis Modern Science.'s photo.'Turmeric, used in Ayurvedic Medicine, and cooking.

Image by :' The principal Ayurvedic texts (the Caralea Samhila and the Susruta Samhita) date from 200 BC to AD 200 and include over 700 useful herbs classified by their action on the dhatus and tridosa, or by their effects on the patient. The tradition also stresses the need to collect the plant drugs in the right way, at the right season and from the right soil. The purity of the doctor and the way the drugs are stored are considered important, as is the patient's diet.
The eight main branches of the Ayurvedic system are as follows•Kaya chikitsa: Internal medicine
• Baala: Pediatrics
•Graha: Treatment of diseases arising from possession by pathogens, evil spirits, etc. Mainly diseases of a mental nature.
•Urdhvanga: Dealing with the eyes, ear, nose, throat and dentistry
•Salya: Surgery including plastic surgery
• Danstra: Insect bites, poisons ( Toxicology)
•Rasayana: Diseases of advancing age
• Prasuti: Gynecology and obstetrics
Vyaadhi, or disease in Ayurveda is due to an imbalance of three fundamental elements of the body. These are VAATA, PITTA and KAPHA.
The entire universe is made of five Maha bhootas, or great "elements" (which are not material in the usual sense of the term, and are types of energy.). .

WARNING! MORE THAN 40 Foods never eat -coming from China

 1-Corn- corn from China. Some producers add sodium cyclamate to their corn. The purpose of this additive is to preserve the yellow color of...