Wednesday, July 22, 2015

WONDER Cure for ACID REFLUX and many disorders for allergy,arthritis,immune related diseases

More than 60 million Americans do report acid reflux at least once a month, also called heartburn, a sour or bitter taste in the back of the throat, trouble swallowing, hoarseness, chronic cough and even regurgitation of food or liquid are all frequent features of acid reflux, if neglected could cause hiatal hernia, esophageal precancer called Barrett's esophagus(5-10% people develops it-where normal cells in esophagus changes to different type of cells-a precursor or cancer),stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, perforation and if neglected cancer in duodenum or stomach.If you have symptoms of GERD-must see your Doctor. In case you have seen and already diagnosed of GERD, then must try below as a possible cure of GERD forever-Must try this for 3 months at least. Pl be aware of not to use coffee , and certainly not drink coffee in empty stomach. Limit tea to once a day with or after some food in stomach. Must quir all sodas, and colored water except just plain water. Limit spicy,(I mean-hot foods).Spicy does not mean hot food all time as many spices are good except high amount of  Capsicum (Mirchi).
What causes it?Each time you swallow, a sphincter in the lower part of your esophagus relaxes to allow food or liquid to pass through to the stomach. If this sphincter relaxes too much or too often or if it has become weak, it can allow stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. The sensation of heartburn is due to the irritation that the acid generates in the esophageal lining.
For people with recurrent acid reflux, medications including proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) and H2 receptor antagonists may help reduce stomach acid production and ease symptoms.

VINEGAR- The ancient condiment—dates back more than 10,000 years and has been used as both food and medicine—WHEN MIXED WITH OTHER INGREDIENTS WILL DO CLEANSING AND GET YOUR IMMUNE FUNCTION BACK.IT WILL AND COULD CURE GERD ISSUES FOREVER. Here is formula-
Warm 1/4 glass of water(30 ml) in pan over gas or burner. Add 1 tsf of curcumin(Indian Yellow Haldi-Get from natural stores),+ 1 tsf of Cinnamon. Make it hot. Squeeze 1/2 cut lemon . Add 15 ml of mothers nature apple cider vinegar. Now get a 1/2 glass of water and add this mixture and add 1 TSF of local Honey. -Drink first thing in morning and do not eat or drink anything for 1/2 hr .

This combo above will be your company for lifelong. It will not only reboot and correct immunity but also kills many bacteria and help fight cancer. Vinegars are a rich source of polyphenols, compounds synthesized by plants to fight oxidative stress. According to 2006 research, consuming polyphenols enhances antioxidant protection and reduces cancer risk.
In addition, a 2014 study even found that vinegar’s ingredient, acetic acid, which gives vinegar its tart flavor and strong odor, acts as a non-toxic disinfectant against drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria
Balsamic vinegar prevents the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which is believed to contribute to atherosclerosis—a condition in which plaque builds up in the arteries, blocking blood flow and in some cases, eventually leading to a heart attack or stroke, according to a 2010 study.


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