The Truth About Aspartame
The brain isn’t the only thing in question when it comes to aspartame. A recent study linked aspartame to Lymphoma and Leukemia(4)(5). The study was published at the beginning of December in 2012, conducted by the Department of Medicine at Bringham Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA. The study was a follow up after a 22 year period of data collection including frequent dietary and health check ups of the study group and was published in the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
A study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology determined that sugar sweetened soda increases the odds for kidney function decline(6). 3,318 women participated in the study for a number of years as they consumed diet soda that contained artificial sweeteners, most notably aspartame. Two or more diet drinks a day led to a double risk in fast-paced kidney decline. The study was conducted by scientists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.
Aspartame clearly has the potential to be harmful to human health and after examining multiple studies, it seems safe to say that aspartame is indeed hazardous to human health. Do you ever wonder how aspartame became illegal?
There are so many studies we should be turning our attention to when it comes to aspartame. I can turn your attention to Here you will find more studies regarding aspartame, and hopefully it inspires you to further your research rather than believing things without questioning them. They call it television programming for a reason.
Mass advertising and propaganda seems to be losing its affect on the human race, lets keep it going! Much Love.
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