Friday, February 19, 2016

16 Cancer Causing Foods You Should Never Eat

1. Refined Sugar

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 Refined sugar, it’s been affectionately known as “Poison” and “Leach.” It earned the nickname “Poison” because this sweetener is totally and completely bereft of any nutritional value. The pet name “Leach” comes from the vitamins and nutrients it saps from the body in order to be digested. Refined sugar, like the kind you pour in your coffee, eat as sweets, or that’s in store-bought tomato sauce you pour on your spaghetti, has been credited with feeding cancer cells. Now research says refined sugar might actually cause cancer

2. Soda Pop
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Soda pop might taste good, but that taste is the result of lots of sugar, colors and chemicals that add acid to the body that can spawn the growth of cancer cells. One study linked fructose, a type of sugar used in sodas, with pancreatic cancer. Another study found that the 4-methylimidazole in soda is a potential carcinogen. (4-methylimidazoleis a bi-product of caramel color which is used to turn colas and soft drinks that delicious brown hue.) The study stated that drinking just one can a day routinely could be enough to cause cancer cells to develop. Oh, let’s not forget the sugar, typically in the 40 grams per 12oz can neighborhood. Psst: that’s 10 teaspoons of sugar—in one can of pop! With so many other beverage options, maybe leave soda on the shelf…in the store.

3. Processed Meats
Dish with cutting sausage and cured meat on a celebratory table.

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“Get you hot dogs!” That’s the familiar cry heard at ballparks all over, but wait just a minute. Hot dogs are a processed meat—they’ve been treated in some way to preserve their shelf life or to improve their flavor. This “processing” can be done by salting, curing, fermenting, smoking, or preserving in some other way. After reviewing 800 studies, The World Health Organization announced that process meats are a carcinogen (i.e. they can cause cancer). They reported that eating the equivalent of four slices of bacon daily (or eating four slices of bacon daily) raises the risk of getting colorectal cancer by 18 percent. The risk is low but present. Meats that fall into this category are not sold fresh and include ham, turkey, some deli, bacon, sausage and of course, hot dogs.

4. Red Meat
Steak @ Big Lou's

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Do you remember the World Health Organization (WHO) from #3? They also looked at red meat studies and concluded that red meat is a “probable” cause of cancer in humans. They found links between eating red meat and colorectal, prosatate and pancreatic cancers. Enjoying small amounts of grass-fed red meat occasionally is very different from eating quantities of red meat daily, and the WHO parks pork in the red meat category.

5. Microwave Popcorn

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What could be easier than tossing a bag in the microwave, pressing a button and then voila: delicious popcorn?! Popcorn is a healthy snack offering potassium, iron and fiber. But microwave popcorn comes with some risks, cancer being one. A chemical that lines the microwavable bag decomposes and forms a compound that has been linked to liver and pancreatic cancer. A separate chemical used to flavor the popcorn can cause the lung condition called bronchiolitis obliterans. One way to decrease your chances of developing this is to let the bag of heated popcorn cool before opening it. One way to avoid all the ailments is to use a hot air popper or the stove top to pop your kernels. Remember to go easy on the butter!

6. Dirty Fruit
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Can we offer you a bowl of delicious pesticides? How about poison in a peel? Actually, the peel is good because it shields the edible fruit from the plethora of pesticides that shower the crops. 165 pesticides to be exact. Some of them have been linked to cancer. In the effort to make fruit unappealing to insects, we make the fruit unhealthy for humans. The bugs might pass because of the pesticides, but then the poisoned fruit winds up in your market and then on your table. Uh-oh. In the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, apples, peaches, grapes and strawberries made it to the list of the “Dirty Dozen” fruits that contained the highest concentrations of pesticides. Healthy? We think not. Best to spend a little extra on organic. Otherwise, you might pay for it later.

7. Potato Chips

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It seems you can’t even kick bag with a bag of chips without biting your nails with worry. Potatoes contain a chemical that’s activated with high-temperature cooking. The chemical, acrylamide, is found in plastics and papermaking as well as in cigarette smoke. Does it cause cancer? In rodents, yes. In humans, probably. The National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for Research on Cancer consider it to be a “probable human carcinogen.” Hmm. Can somebody pass the air-popped popcorn, please?

8. French Fries
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Since French fries are potatoes, and cooking potatoes in high temps activates acrylamide (remember potato chips?), this makes French fries a hazard. It doesn’t stop there. Potatoes are on the Dirty Dozen list of fruits and veggies with because of the high quantity of pesticides they retain. Then there’s the obvious danger: frying. But that’s more a heart-related risk than a cancer risk. So, whew. Go organic and save yourself a lot of potential health problems.

9. Farmed Salmon

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If you enjoy eating salmon for the taste, or you eat it for the omega 3s, choose the canned kind. Farm-raised salmon are overcrowded in order to raise enormous numbers of fish, and that leads to health issues. For one, their color is not what it should be, so they’re fed chemicals to ensure their meat is the reddish-pink hue you’re used to seeing. They’re also treated with antibiotics and pesticides that are well-known carcinogens. Check the label when you’re fishing for salmon in your supermarket. Over 60% of the salmon consumed in the U.S. is from a fish farm.

10. Canned Tomatoes

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The lining in the cans of tomatoes contains a chemical known as bisphenol-A, or BPA. It is toxic, and it lines other canned foods as well. Tomatoes, however, due to their acidity, cause the BPA to leech from the lining of the can and enter the actual tomatoes. Not good. BPA in cans has been linked to several health issues including heart disease, diabetes and cancer. The danger is multiplied when  tomatoesn are in the can. Glass jars may not solve the problem because the metal lid often has BPA. The safest choice might be to buy fresh, organic tomatoes.

11. Hydrogenated Oil

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Hydrogenated oil is liquid oil that was chemically processed to turn solid. Partially hydrogenated oil, also called trans fat, has become known as the worst fat you can put into your body. Typically, hydrogenated oils are used to preserve processed foods to increase their shelf life. . .by a lot. These oils, when ingested, can alter the structure and integrity of human cell membranes. This can lead to several health issues, one of which is cancer. A study showed that the risk of breast cancer almost doubled among women carrying around high levels of trans fats. Foods to be wary of include baked goods, snack foods, deep-fried foods and some margarines.

 12. White Flour

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For flour to become white, it has to be refined (which strips it of all nutritional benefits) and then bleached, typically using chlorine gas. If you eat white bread, for example, you are eating bread that is devoid of nutritional benefit, even if nutrients were put back in, called “enriching.” Thus, you’re not getting any disease-protective properties you would get from other foods. Also, white flour is high on the glycemic index which means your blood sugar and insulin levels spike after eating it. There is evidence that the process that ensues may have cancer-promoting effects. There was a study stating that refined carbohydrates were linked to a 220% increase in breast cancer among women. Whole wheat bread might be the better choice for women. . . and for men.

13. Alcohol
It should not be a surprise that drinking too much alcohol can lead to liver poisoning or liver cancer. The International Agency for Research into Cancer (IARC; part of the World Health Organization) has listed alcohol as carcinogen since 1988. And scientists have found that some cancers are more common in heavier drinkers. Mouth, throat, breast and bowels are susceptible to developing cancer as a result of drinking too much alcohol. The type didn’t matter. The quantity consumed over time did matter.
14. Pickles

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There’s good news, and there’s not-so good news. Pickles, which are cucumbers that underwent the pickling process of fermenting in salt, vinegar and seasoning, contain probiotics. That’s good news. However, they also contain a high amount of sodium, and pickles that are highly salty have been linked to stomach cancer. A team of doctors in Turkey discovered that gastric cancer patients ate a lot more pickles than cancer-free patients. In general, one large standard pickle is more than enough each day.

15. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
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One study (that was later retracted for unknown reasons by the journal that published it) showed a link between genetically modified corn and cancer. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are living organisms that have had their genetic material artificially manipulated to deliver a benefit. They are becoming more prevalent in markets around the country, and although the health effects of these modified foods on humans have not been conclusively determined, strong sentiment is that they are very harmful over time.

16. Artificial Sweeteners
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In the 70s, saccharin studies on rats showed that high doses of the sweetener caused cancer—in rats. It was later proven that the cancer was specific to rats because of their biological make-up, and high doses of saccharin led to bladder stones and bladder cancer. Aspartame is another popular artificial sweetener. In the 90s, a report linked an increase in brain tumors to the powder. However, according the the Cancer Council NSW’s website, upon further investigation, this link was found to be no link at all, just coincidental. Then, in 2005, a study showed that rats that ingested aspartame developed lymphoma and leukemia. However, the rats ingested the equivalent of between eight and 2, 083 cans of diet soda a day! But the damage was done and the public accepted the notion that artificial sweeteners lead to cancer, even though expert agencies in the U.S. (like the National Cancer Institute and the Mayo Clinic) and elsewhere say it’s safe for use.

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Friday, February 5, 2016

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis  in Ayurveda

A concept illustration of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves that are affected by multiple sclerosis.Introduction
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease in which the fatty myelin sheaths around the axons of the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to demyelination and scarring as well as a broad spectrum of signs and symptoms. Disease onset usually occurs in young adults, and it is more common in females.

MS affects the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other. Nerve cells communicate by sending electrical signals called action potentials down long fibers called axons, which are wrapped in an insulating substance called myelin. In MS, the body’s own immune system attacks and damages the myelin. When myelin is lost, the axons can no longer effectively conduct signals. The name multiple sclerosis refers to scars (scleroses—better known as plaques or lesions) particularly in the white matter of the brain and spinal cord, which is mainly composed of myelin. The cause remains unknown to modern medicine. Theories include genetics, infections, and environmental factors.
Almost any neurological symptom can appear with the disease, and often progresses to physical and cognitive disability. MS takes several forms, with new symptoms occurring either in relapsing forms or progressive forms. Between attacks, symptoms may go away completely, but permanent neurological problems often occur, especially as the disease advances.
There is no known cure for MS. Treatments attempt to return function after an attack, prevent new attacks, and prevent disability. MS medications can have adverse effects or be poorly tolerated, and many patients pursue alternative treatments.
Modern Classifications

Several subtypes of MS have been described. Subtypes use the past course of the disease in an attempt to predict the future course. They are important not only for prognosis but also for therapeutic decisions. There are four standardized subtype definitions:
1. relapsing remitting 2. secondary progressive 3. primary progressive 4. progressive relapsing
Relapsing-remitting MS is characterized by unpredictable relapses followed by periods of months to years of relative quiet (remission) with no new signs of disease activity. This form accounts for about 80% of individuals suffering from MS.
Secondary progressive MS describes around 65% of those with an initial relapsing-remitting MS, who then begin to have progressive neurologic decline between acute attacks without any definite periods of remission. Occasional relapses and minor remissions may appear. The median time between disease onset and conversion from relapsing-remitting to secondary progressive MS is 19 years.
The primary progressive subtype describes the approximately 10–15% of individuals who never have remission after their initial MS symptoms. It is characterized by progression of disability from onset, with no, or little remissions.
Progressive relapsing MS describes those individuals who, from onset, have a steady neurologic decline but also suffer clear superimposed attacks. This is the least common of all subtypes affecting about 5% of individuals suffering from MS.
Ayurveda and Multiple Sclerosis
This is a pathology that involves two doshas – Pitta and Kapha. Pitta as the manager of heat in the body attacks the nerve sheaths (Majjadhatu) that are controlled by Kapha. This disease is usually classified as Kapha Roga because the dhatu under kapha control is being damaged and ceases to function correctly.
Causes of this pathology are considered to be due to an excess of dosha accumulation mixed with ama or non-digested food. Different mixes of dosha and ama cause different manifestations of this disease.
Samavata pathology causes dryness in Majjadhatu and this leads to inflammation (pitta) development as kapha is unable to lubricate and maintain correctly its dhatu. This form takes on the attributes of vata: irregularity, volatile, stress activated, worse in the autumn and early winter, difficulties with coordination and balance, etc.
Samapitta pathology causes inflammation in Majjadhatu as it increases and invades the domain of kapha. This form takes on the attributes of pitta: regularity, relapses, inflammation is more pronounced, affects pitta organs, worse in the spring and summer months, visual problems, etc.
Samakapha pathology causes inflammation (pitta) to manifest due to its congestive nature. As kapha prevents normal circulation of pitta, pitta increases and begins to attack the kapha tissue, Majjadhatu. This form takes on the attributes of kapha: regular, congestive, progressive, less inflammation, emotional symptoms of depression or unstable moods, worse in late winter and early spring, etc.
Other combinations of this pathology are vata causing samapitta to move to Majjadhatu (Vataja). Vata causing samakapha to move into Majjadhatu, and vata moving samavata into Majjadhatu. This example can be used to understand pitta and kapha type pathologies (Pittaja or Kaphaja) mixing with any form of ama and dosha to attack or lodge in Majjadhatu. It is important to determine the casual dosha and not only the dosha mixed in with the ama that becomes lodged in Majjadhatu.
All forms of this condition reflect typical ama pathology. As ama accumulates in the body it migrates through the blood circulation (pitta & kapha in Rasa & Rakta dhatu / srotamsi) and is deposited in various locations of the body. Once ama is deposited in a dhatu it begins to attack the tissue or it provides an environment favorable for viral or bacterial growth. This sticky ama can also cause inflammation of the tissue that it is attached to – either with or without bacterial infection.
The Ayurvedic point of view that ama is the main causal factor behind auto-immune disorders cannot be ignored. MS is classified as an auto-immune disease because the body’s immune system attacks and damages the myelin. This occurs because ama is attached to the nerve tissue and the immune response tries to remove it. This results in the immunity attacking the nerve tissue which has difficulty to separate from the ama that has attached to the myelin sheath.
Genetic variations could account for the ama being deposited in Majjadhatu vs. other dhatus. Other factors that account for ama being deposited in Majjadhatu are overuse of the nervous system (stress, over work, shock, etc.). Injury to Majjadhatu at any time prior to the manifestation of the disease is also a factor. Lifestyle habits such as smoking and lack of exercise are major factors. Diet is the primary factor in ama production so is a primary cause of MS. Other lifestyle factors such as working with toxic chemicals and solvents will favor the increase of ama in the body.
Ayurveda views the body as being dominated by one or two doshas. This determines the nature or Prakriti of the person. There are seven classical combinations for Prakriti. Ayurveda considers this disorder to be most common in the following types of people (listed in order):
1. Pitta/Kapha
2. Pitta
3. Kapha
4. Vata/Kapha
5. Vata/Pitta
6. Vata
7. Vata/Pitta/Kapha
Therapeutic Protocols
Multiple Scloersis is classified as a difficult disease to cure, but curable in early stages. MS becomes incurable after the nerve myelin is lost or damaged beyond the body’s ability to repair it. Then it moves into the third category of impossible to cure, but possible to manage. MS is best treated in the first two years as it is still easy to reverse the pathology. Depending on the person it can still be curable up to ten years. In most cases it becomes impossible to cure after ten years. In the primary progressive and progressive relapsing sub-types treatment should be done within the first year for best results, or at least in the first two years.
In Ayurveda MS is treated with Langhana therapies to remove ama and dosha accumulation. If possible Ayurveda suggests using strong purifying methods (Shodhana) such as Pancha Karma to remove the dosha + ama deposits in the body. If this is not possible then Shamhana therapies can be used with the person over a long period of time. Shamhana therapies are preferable when the patient is too young, too old, too weak, too debilitated, or lacking financial means to perform strong Shodhana therapies each year for three or four years.
The primary form of Shamhana therapy is lifestyle or Dinacharya. Ayurvedic lifestyle includes dietary rules and daily schedules. Here are the lifestyle, Shamhana, guidelines for when Vata dosha is causing the pathology.
When Vata causes dosha + ama to move into Majjadhatu:
1) Remove coffee from the diet, black or green tea can be taken up to 200 ml per day, not more.
2) If you drink colas or soft drinks (sweat carbonated beverages) stop them all immediately.
3) Stop smoking cigarettes. If the patient is smoking more than 5 per day then a gradual reduction over one to two months is required. Abrupt stopping can cause a relapse or attack.
4) Reduce or stop all forms of alcohol from the diet. Small amounts of red wine can be taken – not more than 200ml per week.
5) Use ginger tea plus digestive spices to increase Agni (digestive capacity). See recipe at the end of this document. Dose is 10 times 100ml per day, or one liter total.
6) Increase regularity in your life. Develop habitual schedules for eating, sleeping and work. Six days per week need to be very regular and one day can be rest from the schedule per week.
7) Avoid eating between meals. Avoid sweets and chocolate. If you eat sweets eat them after the mid-day meal when they will do the less damage.
8) Daily planning:
-Wake up, go to toilet
-Apply a thin layer of sesame oil all over your body.
-Put 1 or 2 drops of sesame oil in each nostril. Allow the oil to move to the back of the throat then blow your nose and remove all fluids.
d. Have a hot drink (ginger tea, etc.)
- Do 10 minutes of breathing exercise – alternate nostril breathing is best, but watching the breath pass the entrance of the nostrils is good enough.
-Avoid dairy products at night including yogurt or creamy foods.  NO desert or snakes after eating.
-NOT to eat sweets after dinner.  NO DESSERT or if you really wants some-USE JAGGERY(Molasses, raw brown sugar kind of raw sugar).
Herbal therapies
Herbal treatments are less important than diet and should be given by a qualified person. The most important in Shamhana therapies is to keep the evacuation of stool regular. Daily elimination is extremely important in the treatment of MS.
Multiple sclerosis - Ayurvedic treatment for Multiple sclerosis
Yes, I had a patient of Multiple sclerosis too and infact many patients I have seen in life, but this one was latest about 4 days ago. She came to me for the first time about 15 days ago and now she can dance. She responded within 1 day.. even I was surprised. I know she is young about 24 years of age, but still I was not expecting improvement so quickly.

Here is what you can give -

vrihtvat chintamani ras - 2 gm
Vatkulantak Ras - 2 gm
VatGajankush Ras - 5 gm
Rasraj Ras - 2 gm
Abhrak Bhsam - 5 gm
Swarn Basant Malti Ras - 2 gm
Praval Panchamrti - 5 gm
Bramhi Vati with Gold - 2 gm
Chaturbhuj Ras - 2 gm
Smriti Sagar Ras - 5 gm
Ekang Veer Ras - 5 gm
Make 40 packs of these and give 1 pack twice daily, for 20 days.
Repeat after that. After 3-4 courses she should be fine. Along with these, give her
Ashwagandharishta - 30 ml twice daily
Balarishta - 30 ml twice daily

Bramh Rasayan- 2 teaspoonfuls twice daily.
Memory Supoprt formula - 2 capsules twice daily
Constipation should be avoided , give her Aloe vera juice.

WARNING! MORE THAN 40 Foods never eat -coming from China

 1-Corn- corn from China. Some producers add sodium cyclamate to their corn. The purpose of this additive is to preserve the yellow color of...