Sunday, September 28, 2014


अधिकतर भारतीय अपने हाथों से खाना खाते हैं। लेकिन आजकल हमने पाश्चात्य संस्कृति का अनुसरण करते हुए चम्मच और कांटे से खाना शुरू कर दिया है। लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं कि अपने हाथों से खाना खाने के स्वास्थ्य से संबंधित कई फायदे हैं।
यह आपके प्राणाधार की एनर्जी को संतुलित रखता है:
आयुर्वेद में कहा गया है की हम सब पांच तत्वों से बने हैं जिन्हें जीवन ऊर्जा भी कहते हैं, और ये पाँचों तत्व हमारे हाथ में मौजूद हैं ( आपका अंगूठा अग्नि का प्रतीक है, तर्जनी अंगुली हवा की प्रतीक है, मध्यमा अंगुली आकाश की प्रतीक है, अनामिका अंगुली पृथ्वी की प्रतीक है और सबसे छोटी अंगुली जल की प्रतीक है)। इनमे से किसी भी एक तत्व का असंतुलन बीमारी का कारण बन सकता है।
जब हम हाथ से खाना खाते हैं तो हम अँगुलियों और अंगूठे को मिलाकर खाना खाते हैं और यह जो मुद्रा है यह मुद्रा विज्ञान है, यह मुद्रा का ज्ञान है और इसमें शरीर को निरोग रखने की क्षमता निहित है। इसलिए जब हम खाना खाते हैं तो इन सारे तत्वों को एक जुट करते हैं जिससे भोजन ज्यादा ऊर्जादायक बन जाता है और यह स्वास्थ्यप्रद बनकर हमारे प्राणाधार की एनर्जी को संतुलित रखता है। भोजन में हरी मिर्च खाने से होते हैं अचूक स्‍वास्‍थ लाभ
इससे पाचन में सुधार होता है:
टच हमारे शरीर का सबसे मजबूत अक्सर इस्तेमाल होने वाला अनुभव है। जब हम हाथों से खाना खाते हैं तो हमारा मस्तिष्क हमारे पेट को यह संकेत देता है कि हम खाना खाने वाले हैं। इससे हमारा पेट इस भोजन को पचाने के लिए तैयार हो जाता है जिससे पाचन क्रिया सुधरती है।
इससे खाने पे दिमाग लगता है:
हाथ से खाना खाने में आपको खाने पर ध्यान देना पड़ता है। इसमें आपको खाने को देखना पड़ता है और जो आपके मुह में जा रहा है उस पर ध्यान केंद्रित करना पड़ता है। इसे माइंडफुल ईटिंग भी कहते है और यह मशीन कि भांति चम्मच और कांटे से खाना खाने से ज्यादा स्वास्थयप्रद है। माइंडफुल ईटिंग के कई फायदे हैं इनमे से सबसे महत्वपूर्ण फायदा यह है कि इससे खाने के पोषक तत्व बढ़ जाते हैं जिससे पाचन क्रिया सुधरती है और यह आपको स्वस्थ रखता है।
यह आपके मुह को जलने से बचाता है:
आपके हाथ एक अच्छे तापमान संवेदक का काम भी करते हैं। जब आप भोजन को छूते हैं तो आपको अंदाजा लग जाता है कि यह कितना गर्म है और यदि यह ज्यादा गर्म होता है तो आप इसे मुह में नहीं लेते हैं। इस प्रकार यह आपकी जीभ को जलने से बचाता है।

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Gross Ingredients You Might Find in Your BeerThat swig of beer may come with more than alcohol and hops — it may also contain a dose of tiny plastic particles, reveals a new study in the journal Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A.Scientists refer to these little fragments as “microplastics,” since they’re less than one-fifth of an inch long.
The researchers tested 24 brands of German beer for microplastics, and found that every last bottle was contaminated with the stuff. (Another gross-out factor: One brand even contained a nearly whole insect, and three had glass shards floating around.)
So how does plastic make its way into so many brews? The contamination most likely happens during the filtration and bottling processes, study author Gerd Liebezeit, Ph.D., told Yahoo Health. “There is evidence from the literature that filter material can be found in beer,” he said. “And tap water used for washing beer bottles before filling may also contain small amounts of particles.” Although his study was conducted in Germany, the beer production process is fairly universal across the globe — at least among large producers — said Liebezeit, who noted, “This problem probably occurs everywhere.”
And it’s not just beer you have to worry about. “Microplastic contamination is everywhere — in the air, in fresh and ocean waters, in the aquatic food chain, in human food,” said Liebezeit. That means we’re likely ingesting the tiny bits of plastic through multiple routes; research has so far detected microplastics in honey, soda, tap water, and some types of seafood.
There are two types of microplastics: First are the little fragments created when trash, such as plastic bags, breaks down. Then there are the microbeads found in cosmetics and toiletries, like toothpaste and facial scrubs, said Kirk Havens of the Center for Coastal Resources Management at the College of William and Mary, who researches microplastics. Both make their way into our water supply—and can infiltrate food-manufacturing processes (as with beer), or are consumed by marine organisms, such as mollusks.
The tiny fragments readily absorb harmful chemicals, such as pesticides, also contaminating the water. “If you get enough organisms consuming [the microplastics], and they get eaten by larger organisms, they ultimately get into the food web that we as humans are interested in eating,” explained Havens. Case in point: If you eat just six mussels, you’ll take in about 90 microplastic particles, according to a new study in Environmental Pollution. Six oysters equals around 50 particles. The researchers estimate that serious shellfish consumers take in up to 11,000 bits of plastic per year.
Does this pose a risk to human health? “That’s still an uncertainty,” said Havens. As the authors of the Environmental Pollution study write, “Due to the complexity of estimating microplastic toxicity, estimations of the potential risks for human health posed by microplastics in food stuffs is not yet possible.” However, animal studies have shown that microplastic particles are able to pass from the gut into surrounding tissue, causing inflammation, and that hazardous chemicals hitching a ride on the particles may, in fact, be absorbed into the body, said Liebezeit. “Allergic reactions may possibly also result from exposure to contaminant-laden microplastics,” he added.

5 Foods That Break Down Your Immune System

1. Sugar

1. SugarSugar has been vilified by the health community for good reason — it is a zero-nutrient substance that has been linked to corroding your teeth and your brain. High blood sugar level also greatly reduces the ability of germ-fighting white blood cells to kill bacteria and viruses. Do not eat refined and processed foods during flu season because of their high sugar content,candy, cookies, soda, and most packaged foods are all off-limits. The American Heart Association says Americans consume 20 teaspoons of sugar on average per day. High-fiber foods such as brown rice, lentils, and chickpeas will stabilize blood sugar levels and keep the immune system in check.

2. Cereal and white bread

3. Fatty foods
2. Cereal and white breadSimple carbs contribute to the "tsunami of sugar" found in our daily diets, according to author and integrative clinical nutritionist Kathie Swift. "The average person is drowning in sugar,. Refined grains in cereal and bread quickly convert to glucose when digested. Can't give up your morning cereal or toast? Superfoods such as millet, buckwheat, quinoa, and amaranth are now available in cereal and bread form. Another breakfast option that boosts immunity: rolled oats with bananas, cinnamon, and a splash of organic almond milk.

3. Fatty foods

4. Alcohol
There are many reasons to eliminate fried food from your diet — here's another: High-fat diets can negatively affect your body's response to infection. obesity and high-fat diets "depress host resistance to infectious disease and apparently influence susceptibility to some forms of cancer." Swift suggests replacing some of the animal meat you eat, which is high in saturated fat, with lentils, beans, and plants for protein. "Food is critical to immunity.

4. Alcohol

Relax — you do not have to give up your weekly glass of red wine, but Levin urges casual drinkers to reduce their imbibing during flu season. Alcohol impairs the immune system and interferes with the body's ability to ward off infections. Studies have proven that excess alcohol consumption may lead to immune deficiency and increased susceptibility to certain diseases. Experts say one drink (defined as 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1 ounce of hard liquor) will not disrupt the immune system but three or more drinks will.

5. Dairy

5. DairyMany dairy products — such as store-bought yogurt — contain high levels of sugar, Cheese, milk, ice cream, and other dairy products "can exacerbate clogging of the lungs and should be avoided," health expert Gary Null writes in The Complete Encyclopedia of Natural Healing. According to the Mayo Clinic's James Steckelberg, milk does not necessarily produce more phlegm but drinking it "can make phlegm thicker and more irritating to your throat than it would normally be.

A FEW MORE IMMUNITY-BOOSTING EATS Though high in natural sugar, fruits such as bananas, mangoes, oranges, and pineapples are "protective of the immune system," .That are loaded with immunity-boosting vitamins A, C, and E (nuts, seeds, beets, tomatoes, peppers, and carrots). One last tip: Your overall digestive health affects your immune system, so Swift encourages people to take probiotics and add fermented foods such as pickled veggies, kefir, miso, and kombucha to their diets.


Why Ramen Noodles Could Cut Your Life ShortInstant ramen noodles, beloved cheap dinner of college kids and budget eaters everywhere, have been linked to heart attacks and diabetes. A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that the ramen, along with other instant noodle products, may increase a person’s risk for cardiometabolic syndrome — a risk factor for severe cardiovascular disease and stroke — especially in women.
“This research is significant since many people are consuming instant noodles without knowing possible health risks,” said lead researcher Hyun Joon Shin, MD, in a press release. Shin, a clinical cardiology fellow at Baylor University Medical Center and a nutrition epidemiology doctoral student at the Harvard School of Public Health, could not be reached for further comment.
For the study, researchers looked at the data of 10,711 adults between the ages of 19 and 64, collected via the nationally representative Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of 2007-2009. They found that eating instant noodles — ramen, lo mein, glass, Thai, or other — twice or more a week was associated with cardiometabolic syndrome, a collection of abnormalities affecting the body’s cardiovascular, renal, and metabolic systems.
Although the specific cause of the problem was not immediately clear, Shin noted that it might stem from the fact that most instant noodle meals come packaged in Styrofoam, which contains bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone disruptor — which is also why women could have been more affected in this study. But the food product contains plenty of unhealthy ingredients, including MSG and the chemical preservative tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), and is also high in saturated fat.
This is not the first time ramen noodles have been publicly maligned. In 2012, a viral video taken from inside the digestive tract, part of a small and inconclusive study by Dr. Braden Kuo, showed just what happened after instant ramen was ingested — and it wasn’t pretty. The stomach worked overtime, struggling for hours to grind up the strands; TBHQ, a petroleum byproduct, was named as a possible culprit. Years earlier, Malaysian health officials issued a warning against eating instant noodles because of ingredients such as thickeners, stabilizers, sodium, and preservatives that have been linked to heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.


DO NOT Drink Warm Bottled Water

Why You Shouldn't Drink Warm Bottled WaterScientists from Nanjing University in China and the University of Florida investigated the effects of storing 16 brands of bottled water (all sold in China) at three temperatures: 39 degrees F, 77 degrees F, and 158 degrees F, intended to mimic the temperatures of a refrigerator, a standard room, and the inside of a car, respectively. “Based on the literature, that is a temperature that’s reachable on a hot summer day in a car,”
The researchers checked the levels of two substances — antimony and bisphenol A (BPA) — after one, two, and four weeks. Antimony, a trace heavy metal, has been found to play a role in lung, heart, and gastrointestinal diseases, according to a 2009 study review. The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies one form of the metal, called antimony trioxide, as a “possible carcinogen.” BPA, meanwhile, is a chemical that can mimic estrogen in the body and which is found in some plastics; it’s been banned for use by the FDA in baby bottles and sippy cups.
The researchers found that as the temperature rose and time passed, increasingly high levels of antimony were detectable in the bottles of water. Specifically, at 77° F, the release of antimony increased by as much as twofold over that at the cooler temperature — although the levels of the trace metal varied by brand, increasing significantly at 77 degrees F in only six out of 16 brands



Smoked meat deadlier than liquor, may increase risk of cancer
When meat or fish is cooked directly over fire, it gets
covered with cancer-causing carcinogens
Smoked meat — red meat or fish dipped in greasy oil, and covered with a mix of salt, chilli powder and spices, before it is cooked directly over fire — is one of the most common causes of esophageal and colon cancer as per recent conference from  doctors from Government General Hospital announced at a scientific conference in Vancouver, Canada.

When meat or fish is cooked directly over fire, it gets covered with cancer-causing carcinogens, making it more dangerous than even smoking or consumption of alcohol.
Statistical analysis of the data gathered showed that people eating smoked meat were at up to nine times higher risk of developing cancer compared to people who did not have it on their diet. The study found that people who smoked had an eight times higher risk of contracting cancer than others and those who consumed alcohol were at four times higher risk.
 The National Cancer Institute in the USA has linked barbequed or grilled meat to cancer. Coal or gas used to cook meat emits chemicals called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) that adhere to meat. Laboratory tests show these substances can cause cancer in animals.

"Many households reuse oil and that could be one of the factors that triggered cancer."

Friday, September 19, 2014

Breakfast options.

A traditional western breakfast was loaded with bacon, eggs, pancakes, sausages - rich on palate but stacked with calories.
Breakfast options-
-NO CEREAL EXCEPT- oatmeal without sugar,DO NOT USE BAR.EGGS, Indian Parathes are okay.
 Indian food tops the charts when it comes to nutrition. In fact, before turning to the popular food trends of the West, we should turn inwards to find tones of wholesome and healthy preparations of our own.
Dal ka Paratha
Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta
Put leftover dal to some use, stuff it in dough to roll out these perfect dal parathas.

daal_600.jpgMethi Ka Thepla
Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

An all time Gujarati hit, team it with accompaniments of your choice and get the day going!

Moong Dal Cheela
Recipe by Chef Kuldeep Panchal

Here are some nutrition packed Indian pancakes. Whip up a batter made of stocked with moong dal, paneer and veggies inside.

cheela_600.jpgMoong Dal Cheela Recipe Video:

Misal Pav

Recipe by Chef Amarendra Mulye

A traditional Maharashtrian breakfast meal to start your day with. Get the most of flavourful vegetables combined with fluffy pavs.

user-misal_600.jpgSali Par Edu
Recipe by Chef Dharmendar, Mocha, New Delhi

Start your day the Parsi way! An authentic breakfast preparation including crispy potatoes and eggs, what a meal to relish!

Rawa Upma
Recipe by Chef Kishore D Reddy

Suji upma cooked with fresh vegetables, spices, lentils, aromatic nuts and curry leaves. An addition of grated coconut at the top makes it an impeccable morning meal.

rawaUpma_600.jpgNamkeen Seviyaan
Recipe by Chef Nishtha Asrani

Give your mundane mornings a wake up call with versatile vermicelli! Enjoy this salty version of seviyaan cooked in minimal oil and truckloads of desi flavours.


Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

Whisk together rice, urad daal, and spices to make a creamy batter. On to the pan, topped with onions, tomatoes and curry leaves.

Recipe by Chef Niru Gupta

An easy to make dose of your much needed morning nutrition, heaped with subtle flavours. Pressed rice is cooked with some of your favourite veggies, spiced up and seasoned to perfection.

poha.000.jpgFind out 'What Does the World Eat for Breakfast'


wash.vegetables-600.jpgBelieve it or not, pesticides might be present in fruits and vegetables we eat. They are primarily used during the cultivation of crops and in some cases may remain as residues.
According to the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), "high levels of pesticide residues can be toxic enough to cause long-term cancer, damage to the nervous and reproductive systems, birth defects, and severe disruption of the immune system."
While steps are being taken by the government to sensitize farmers and vendors about the side effects of using pesticides, health experts suggest consumers explore alternatives like organic food.
You should also take certain measures to minimize any kind of health damage. Here are three simple, do-it-yourself tricks you can adopt at home:
Wash Your Food and Wash it Right
Wash all your fruits and vegetables with 2% of salt water will remove most of the contact pesticide Almost 75 to 80 percent of pesticide residues are removed by cold water washing. Also, be more thorough with these fruits and vegetables in specific: grapes, apples, guava, plums, mangoes, peaches and pears and vegetables like tomatoes, brinjal and okra as they might carry more residue in their crevices.
peel.potatoes-600.jpgVinegar Soak
Whip up a solution with 10 percent white vinegar and 90 percent water and soak your veggies and fruits in them. Stir them around and rinse thoroughly. Be careful while washing fruits like berries, and those with a thin peel as the solution might damage their porous outer-skin.

Blanch and Peel

Treat your vegetables to warm water for a short while and this should remove any leftover residue. Peeling is another efficient way to remove residue


Shocking Secrets About the Pizza, Garlic bread

The tomato sauce used on the pizza is not just made with tomatoes but mixed with red pumpkin as a filler for the sauce. The cheese is no longer dairy but a derivative of mayonnaise with heavy stabilizers.
pizza-junk-food-600.jpgGarlic butter-
garlic butter bread because there is no butter, it's actually a customized fat liquid flavored with garlic and hint of butter "flavor" toppled over the hot bread so it soaks in. You would be better off having 5 ml of refined oil than fool yourself with this hogwash.


Artificial Sweeteners Can Trigger Diabetes and Cause Weight-Gain

Artificial Sweeteners Can Trigger Diabetes and Cause Weight-Gain Artificial sweeteners don't tackle the problem of diabetes at all, and in fact exacerbate it. They disrupt the body's ability to regulate blood sugar, causing metabolic changes that trigger diabetes. Dr. Eran Elinav, physician and immunologist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel said "Artificial sweeteners are responsible for the onset of the very same condition that we often aim to prevent by consuming sweeteners instead of sugar."
The research was published in the journal 'Nature' and found that zero-calorie sweeteners such as saccharin, sucralose and aspartame can alter the population of bacteria in the gut and trigger high blood glucose levels which can lead to diabetes. Eran added, "The scope of our discovery is cause for public reassessment of the massive and unsupervised use of artificial sweeteners."

The study included a series of experiments, mostly on mice. One group that was fed three artificial sweeteners - saccharin, aspartame and sucralose - developed high blood sugar levels and an intolerance to glucose. When antibiotics were given to cut off gut bacteria, the sweetener effect was restored to normal. Then, the scientists focused on saccharin. They transferred gut microbes from mice fed on saccharin to mice that had no gut bacteria. Soon after that, the second set of mice developed high blood sugar levels. A genetic analysis of the gut bacteria from mice that were fed saccharin revealed that the group behaved differently from others and their system was breaking down more carbohydrates than normal.

After this, scientists ran tests on 381 people who consumed the most artificial sweeteners and found that these people had different gut microbes and were generally heavier and more glucose intolerant than the rest. In the final leg of the experiment, scientists gave 7 people the maximum amount of saccharin that is allowed. Each dose was enough to sweeten 40 cans of diet-cola. At the end of one week they found that 4 people had high blood sugar levels and gut microbes - an outcome similar to what was seen in the mice. Finally they injected bacteria from the human participants into the intestines of mice, only to find that the mice developed an intolerance for glucose, suggesting that the effect was same in both mice and humans.

Elinav, co-author of the study said that "This calls for a reassessment of today's massive, unsupervised consumption of these substances." While the study has been praised for its innovation, many scientists remain unconvinced. Researchers are now hiring more volunteers for a more extensive and ambitious study that will establish a stronger link between artificial sweeteners, diabetes and obesity.

With inputs from AFP

Other Links:

Sugar: a guide to the sweet stuff in all its forms

Belly Fat Clearest Sign of Type 2 Diabetes Risk

World Health Day: Top 10 health-related concerns

Kids' obesity risk starts before school age

Compounds in non-stick cookware could lead to diabetes

Eating yogurt may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes

To fight diabetes, development alone won't do: IDF chief (Interview)

Rosemary and Oregano Can Help Fight Diabetes

Nearly Half of all Americans Will Get Type 2 diabetes, Says Study

Childhood obesity promotes hyperactivity, impulsivity: Study

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Full statement of Dr. William Thompson

vaccineClick here for the source.

August 27, 2014 Press Release, "Statement of William W. Thompson, Ph.D., Regarding the 2004 Article Examining the Possibility of a Relationship Between MMR Vaccine and Autism"


My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed.

I want to be absolutely clear that I believe vaccines have saved and continue to save countless lives. I would never suggest that any parent avoid vaccinating children of any race. Vaccines prevent serious diseases, and the risks associated with their administration are vastly outweighed by their individual and societal benefits.

My concern has been the decision to omit relevant findings in a particular study for a particular sub­ group for a particular vaccine. There have always been recognized risks for vaccination and I believe it is the responsibility of the CDC to properly convey the risks associated with receipt of those vaccines.

I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his beliefthat CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent. I was not, however, aware that he was recording any of our conversations, nor was I given any choice regarding whether my name would be made public or my voice would be put on the Internet.

I am grateful for the many supportive e-mails that I have received over the last several days.

I will not be answering further questions at this time. I am providing information to Congressman William Posey, and of course will continue to cooperate with Congress. I have also offered to assist with reanalysis of the study data or development of further studies. For the time being, however, I am focused on my job and my family.

Reasonable scientists can and do differ in their interpretation of information. I will do everything I can to assist any unbiased and objective scientists inside or outside the CDC to analyze data collected by the CDC or other public organizations for the purpose of understanding whether vaccines are associated with an increased risk of autism. There are still more questions than answers, and I appreciate that so many families are looking for answers from the scientific community.

My colleagues and supervisors at the CDC have been entirely professional since this matter became public. In fact, I received a performance-based award after this story came out. I have experienced no pressure or retaliation and certainly was not escorted from the building, as some have stated.

Dr. Thompson is represented by Frederick M. Morgan,Jr., Morgan Verkamp, LLC, Cincinnati, Ohio,


NaturalNewsMost conventional "red" meat is bleached or ammonia-treated to kill the E. coli and then dyed back pink, like with hamburger and steak, to look attractive in the butcher's window. They want to believe that the meat just shows up magically, without all the horrific processing and inhumane living quarters. Usually, there's a picture or two over the meat section of some happy cows wandering the pasture, waiting to "help out" with the humans' meat and milk "consumption problem." But in actuality, it's GMOs on top of GMOs, because these are the cows fed genetically modified corn meal and GM alfalfa to begin with.

Diet soda, aspartame linked to deaths

dietA decade-long study of 60,000 women has confirmed that drinking diet soda sweetened with aspartame is linked with a 30 percent increase in heart attack risk and a 50 percent increase in death risk.
The findings, presented at the American College of Cardiology(1), have already been partially swept under the rug with the false explanation that diet drinks don't necessarily cause these risks but are instead merely correlated with them. "Women who toss back too many diet sodas may be trying to make up for unhealthy habits," claims an article on CNBC,(2) while citing no evidence whatsoever to support the claim. Keep in mind that any time a synthetic vitamin is correlated with increased mortality, the entire scientific community immediately describes those synthetic vitamins as "causing" death. Correlation is causation only when industry-funded scientists say it is.

Aspartame is a neurotoxin

What scientists refuse to explore -- even when the data clearly show a strong death risk association -- is that aspartame is a neurotoxin. The reason why women who drink diet soda have a 50 percent increased death risk is, of course, far more likely to be caused by what's in the diet soda rather than some lifestyle choice.
Aspartame, after all, is made from the feces of genetically engineered bacteria. It is not a natural sugar but rather a chemical compound created in an industrial lab. Used in diet sodas, it breaks down into a number of chemical compounds including formaldehyde and methanol. During digestion, the formaldehyde is oxidized into formic acid, a chemical known to cause toxicity in mammalian biology. Formic acid is also secreted by ants as part of their "chemical weapons" arsenal.

Aspartame linked to long list of neurological problems

Aspartame denialists try to pretend that all this formaldehyde, methanol and formic acid has no effect on human health. Their argument is identical to that of GMO denialists: "GMOs are harmless!" It's even the same argument as mercury denialists: "Mercury is harmless!"

Why, then, is aspartame so frequently linked to blurred vision, headaches and neurological problems when repeatedly consumed in the form of diet drinks? In fact, there are over 90 side effects linked to aspartame consumption, including headaches/migraines, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, rashes, depression, irritability, insomnia, hearing loss, vision problems, loss of taste vertigo and memory loss.

Soda companies and misinformed doctors all try to pretend none of these side effects are real -- that people are all imagining headaches, blurred vision, numbness, insomnia and so on. That's how unethical the soda industry is: they poison their own customers with a neurotoxic chemical, then call them delusional when they suffer neurological side effects.

If you drink diet soda, you are murdering yourself

The bottom line in all this? If you drink diet soda, you are essentially murdering yourself, "slow suicide."
There are a thousand beverages healthier than diet sodas: tea, fruit juice, mineral water, raw almond milk... even non-diet sodas are better for you than diet sodas! (And diet sodas have been conclusively proven to have no effect whatsoever on weight loss. So drinking them is a useless diet gesture to begin with.)
If for some reason you are still drinking diet soda, find a healthier beverage and stop poisoning yourself to death.
From the American College of Cardiology website:

[A] study led by Ankur Vyas, MD, of the University of Iowa found that postmenopausal women who consumed two or more diet drinks a day were 30 percent more likely to experience a cardiovascular event and 50 percent more likely to die from related cardiovascular disease than women who never, or only rarely, consumed diet drinks. The analysis of 59,614 participants in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Study, who had an average age of 62.8 and no history of cardiovascular disease, saw that after an average follow-up of 8.7 years, the primary cardiovascular outcome occurred in 8.5 percent of the women consuming two or more diet drinks per day compared to 6.9 percent in the five-to-seven drinks per week group; 6.8 percent in the one-to-four drinks per week group; and 7.2 percent in the zero-to-three per month group. The difference persisted when researchers adjusted for other cardiovascular risk factors and co-morbidities. The association between diet drinks and cardiovascular disease warrants further study to define the relationship, Vyas said.

Sources for this article include:


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Big Mac bun -

Big Mac bun is nothing close to real bread

RussiaWhile calorie, fat and carbohydrate levels of McDonald's food measure through the roof, it's what the food is made out of that should be most troubling to consumers.

For example, a Big Mac bun is not real bread but, instead, a mixture of bleached wheat, malted barley flour, thiamin mononitrate and fake vitamin enrichments. This enriched flour is mixed with the biotech industry's usual flavor science of high-fructose corn syrup and soybean and canola oil. A couple of ammonia compounds like ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride are added along with dangerous conditioners like azodicarbonamide, which is outlawed in some countries. McDonald's also preserves its buns using sorbic acid, calcium propionate and sodium propionate, while conditioning the dough further by using ingredients like sodium stearoyl lactylate, DATEM and mono- and diglycerides. To finish it off, the bread concoction is riddled with salt, sugar, wheat gluten and soy lecithin.
Russia, which has already denounced genetically modified food earlier this year, is now taking McDonald's to court. A Moscow court recently announced that the fast food chain has violated Russia's nutrition and safety codes for many of its burger and ice cream products.

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Truvia sweetener- powerful pesticide

erythritolTruvia sweetener is made from about 99.5% erythritol (a sugar alcohol), and 0.5% rebiana, an extract from the stevia plant (but not at all the same thing as stevia). A shocking new study published in the journal PLOS ONE (1) has found that Truvia, an alternative sweetener manufactured by food giant Cargill, is a potent insecticide that kills fruit flies which consume it.

The study is titled, Erythritol, a Non-Nutritive Sugar Alcohol Sweetener and the Main Component of Truvia, Is a Palatable Ingested Insecticide.
The study found that while fruit flies normally live between 39 and 51 days, those that ate the Truvia ingredient erythritol died in less than a week.

Erythritol made from yeast fed genetically modified corn derivatives

Erythritol is often indirectly derived from genetically modified corn, by the way. Cargill was forced to settle a class action lawsuit last year (2) for labeling Truvia "natural" when it's actually made from a fermentation process whereby yeast are fed GM corn maltodextrin.

Cargill plays word games with this process, insisting that "erythritol is not derived from corn or dextrose feedstock; it is derived from the yeast organism."

Yeah, okay, but the yeast are fed GMOs. So they're playing mind games with their explanations.

There is a verified non-GMO erythritol available today, by the way, and it's made by Pyure Brands, based in Florida.

Pyure Brands offers alternative sweeteners for the health-conscious marketplace, and their product is USDA Organic certified and Non-GMO Project Verified.

Truvia a really amazing insecticide

This story on Truvia's insecticidal properties has really caught the attention of the public. Even CBS News (3), a mainstream media outlet that rarely covers the dangers of food additives, covered this story, reporting:

Erythritol, the main component of the sweetener Truvia, has a new, unexpected application -- it may be used as an insecticide. ...Researchers found that fruit flies fed with food that included erythritol or the erythritol-containing sweetener Truvia died much sooner than flies fed with food containing other types of sweeteners.

"The more you get [fruit flies] to consume erythritol, the faster they die," Sean O'Donnell, a professor of biology at Drexel University in Philadelphia, told CBS News.

"We are hoping to develop it into a human-safe insecticide," O'Donnell later says in the story.

The abstract of the published study concludes, "Here we show that Erythritol, a non-nutritive sugar alcohol, was toxic to the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster."

No other sweetener killed the fruit flies

Fruit flies were also subjected to feeding tests with sucrose and corn syrup, but those sweeteners didn't kill them. Only erythritol had this effect, as it shown in the chart below:

Erythritol also interfered with the flies' motor coordination, as stated in the study text: flies raised on food containing Truvia displayed aberrant motor control prior to death. We therefore assayed motor reflex behavior through climbing assays. Flies raised on food containing Truvia showed a significantly decreased ability to climb.

Researchers were also able to determine that stevia was not the cause of the problem. They also tested Purevia and found it was safe for fruit flies. Only erythritol, the main component of Truvia, replicated the toxic effects on fruit flies.

Erythritol also exhibited a dose-dependent death response, meaning the more that was consumed by the flies, the more quickly they died.

What to make of Truvia's usefulness as a pesticide?

The FDA has declared Truvia to be safe for human consumption. Then again, the FDA has also declared aspartame to be safe for human consumption, so that doesn't carry any real credibility.

Sugar alcohols are widely consumed by millions of people, but that also isn't any guarantee of their safety because Vioxx was also widely consumed by millions of people (while killing tens of thousands of them via heart attacks).

Most people believe sugar alcohols are safe to consume, and perhaps they're right. But maybe there's some yet-unknown contaminant in erythritol that's causing these toxic effects. Or perhaps it's the GMO connection, since most erythritol comes from genetically modified corn. A really interesting study on this would test GMO-derived erythritol vs. non-GMO erythritol to determine if there's any difference.

Many scientists might also argue that perhaps erythritol is perfectly safe for humans and only selectively toxic to insects because of their different physiology. That would be the best-case scenario.

If true, it opens up a positive conclusion to all this: What if erythritol could be used as a natural pesticide that replaces the toxic chemical pesticides sold by companies like Monsanto and DuPont?

Imagine, if you will, a natural, plant-based pesticide that could be sprayed on crops to kill insects, yet still eaten by humans in trace amounts with no ill effects. That's the hope of this discovery: maybe sugar alcohols can be sprayed on crops or used in organic food production.

By the way, the idea for this research came from a sixth-grader named Simon D. Kaschock-Marenda, once again proving that science is available to everyone, including children. This is why I have openly called for enhanced science education in America -- in the hope that more children can learn about scientific investigations and use their knowledge to help achieve a safer, less toxic world.

Sources for this article include:



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ROUND UP LIKE Glyphosate, culprit of modern-day disease

Glyphosate is the culprit to modern day disease

glyphosateToday, scientists are starting to understand how glyphosate opens the floodgate for a whole host of immune system problems to occur, including mental disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

First, glyphosate inhibits cytochrome P450 (CYP enzymes). These enzymes play a crucial role in the biology of human gut bacteria, tasked with detoxifying xenobiotics. Since glyphosate restricts this detoxifying process in the gut, it essentially enhances the effects of other environmental toxins and chemicals in the body, allowing them to overtake the immune system. This welcomes inflammation and damage to cellular systems. It allows dangerous substances to break into the blood, where they can poison practically any organ and even cross the blood-brain barrier.
The industry behind glyphosate doesn't want you to know that the chemical acts as a channel for disease. In safety studies, scientists are paid to show that glyphosate's damage to plants is through the shikimate pathway, which they clearly mention, is not present in humans.
What they fail to mention is that the shikimate pathway is present in human gut bacteria. Most importantly, these bacteria possess an integrated biosemiotic relationship with the human host, aiding in digestion, gastrointestinal tract permeability, synthesis of vitamins, detoxification of xenobiotics and overall immune system homeostasis.

So, as glyphosate depletes this microbiology, they are essentially destroying the human race from the inside out -- ever so silently. Why is this not reported by the manufacturers, the government or the mainstream media?

Sources for this article include:

Littman, D.R.; Pamer, E.G. "Role of the commensal microbiota in normal and pathogenic host immune responses." Cell Host & Microbe. 2011, 10, 311-323

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The biggest lies in this world are the ones more likely to be believed, and "Big Food" has that kind of money to spend on YOU.
food1. Sodium benzoate is a chemical used to inhibit fungus growth in foods. It deprives humsn cells of oxygen and can also deteriorate the myelin sheath (fatty sheath that insulates nerve cells). While benzoic acid is found naturally in low levels in many fruits, the sodium benzoate listed on a product's label
"All natural" -- Means absolutely nothing. If you think that these words change anything about the quality of the product, you are gravely mistaken. The FDA has no parameters of health here.Pasteurized - Means cooked quickly at high heat and "cooks" the nutrition in it and then they add or fortify with fish oil, vit d3, etc.Try to buy raw milk, and warm yourself at home,which is very hard to do. Batch or "vat" is the simplest and oldest method of pasteurization, which heats the milk to over 150 degrees Fahrenheit. This kills enzymes, probiotics and nutrients.Raw food experts will tell you that most food cooked at 118 degrees becomes useless.Most orange juice is pasteurized. SO ALWAYS EAT FRESH FRUITS.Fortified - Cooked, dead vitamins are added "back in" to a product (useless) so the manufacturer can make false health claims to make junk food sound better. Hence the popular lingo for kids' cereals.STOP ALL CEREALS EXCEPT OATMEAL.
RDA -- "Recommended Daily Allowance" -- Of what? Of dead food, GMO food, hormone-laden food, conventional milk, meat, cheese and wheat gluten? Dirty dozen fruits and vegetables? That's cancer food.
Farm-raised -- This means the fish "farmers" breed fish in a pond or indoor tank system where they can create unnatural breeds that are larger and give them hormones to make bigger (cancerous) fish for profits.DO NOT BUY FARM RAISED MEAT.
GMO is not even labeled in the US (except for a few choice states, soon).This is tricking people into eating genetically MUTATED food that's corrupt with pesticide, insecticide and herbicide?SAY NO TO CORN AND SOYABEEN PRODUCT WHICH ARE ALMOST 95% GMO.
Artificial and synthesized Growth Hormones given to cows to make them fatter or produce TOO MUCH MILK also cause health detriment for humans that consume that milk, cheese, yogurt, etc. This hormone, rbST (recombinant somatotropin) -- also called rbGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone) -- increases the amount of IGF-1 in milk, a chemical which has been linked to certain cancers.
Sources for this article:

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

MSG- a neuropoison

Food labeling malpractice…

And if you're thinking MSG is just something they add in Chinese restaurants, think again. It's in thousands of foods, and it's not easy to avoid — most of the time it's called something else. So even if you're like me and read food labels, you may not find out that this deadly killer is present.

Beware… Some foods advertise "No MSG" when in reality they contain large amounts of hidden MSG derivatives, called "free glutamate".
The only harmless kind is bound glutamate. Don't be deceived by the food industry.
Here's the labeling deception…
If a glutamate contains 79% or more free glutamic acid it must be called MSG. If it's less than that, it escapes MSG labeling restrictions, and they can call it whatever they want.
So beware of innocent sounding names like: hydrolyzed protein, autolyzed yeast, soy protein extract or isolate, vegetable protein isolate, natural flavors, spice, carrageen.
Incidentally, carrageen is an MSG additive found in ice cream, dairy products, baked goods, yogurt, and some margarine… Researchers use it when they want to grow cancer cells — while manufacturers put it in your food!
Innocent sounding 'hydrolyzed vegetable protein' is even more risky than MSG. It contains not one, but three excitotoxins (glutamate, aspartate and cysteic acid) — plus several known carcinogens.
Oh — and watch out for infant formula too. Details can be found -here.

Expect the FDA to turn a blind eye. (There's too much money in this.) You're on your own to protect yourself. Caveat emptor — and good health to you.
Code Names and sources of MSG:
  • Anything "enriched"
  • Anything "ultra pasteurized"
  • Anything fermented
  • Anything protein fortified
  • Autolyzed yeast
  • Barley malt
  • Broth
  • Bouillon
  • Calcium caseinate
  • Carrageen
  • Caramel flavoring
  • Corn syrup or corn syrup solids
  • Cornstarch
  • Dough conditioners
  • Dry milk solids
  • Flavorings
  • "Natural flavoring"
  • Gelatin
  • Gum (of any kind)
  • Hydrolyzed oat flour
  • Hydrolyzed begetable
  • Hydrolyzed protein
  • Malt extract & maltodextrin
  • Malt flavoring
  • Milk powder
  • Modified food starch
  • Natural flavors
  • Natural chicken, beef, or pok pectin
  • Plant protein extract
  • Potassium glutamate
  • Protease, protease enzymes
  • Rice syrup
  • Seasonings
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Soy protein
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Soy sauce or extract
  • Stock
  • Textured protein
  • Vegetable gum
  • Vitamin "enriched"
  • Wheat, rick or oat protein
  • Whey protein
  • Whey protein isolate
  • Yeast extract yeast food
  • Yeast nutrients
This pernicious food additive is an excitotoxin — a substance that damages and even kills certain nerve cells by overstimulating them. This food additive has a 'side-kick' too, a similar food chemical that harms you in many of the same ways.
We'll focus here on monosodium glutamate -- MSG -- and its forty-some aliases. But be aware that aspartame is just as dangerous. Aspartame is much easier to recognize and eliminate from your diet. MSG, on the other hand, tends to be concealed.
Food manufacturers have been adding MSG to our food since 1945. They didn't go to the trouble of conducting studies to see if it was safe. Turns out it's not.
In 1968, while he was studying excitotoxicity, Dr. John Olney accidentally discovered that all his MSG-fed animals were obese. The more MSG the animals ate, the fatter they got.
This is highly revealing, in light of today's triple epidemics of obesity, metabolic syndrome and Type II diabetes.
Feeding MSG to an infant or toddler almost guarantees the child will become obese by adolescence or adulthood. This is what happens in every type of animal studied without exception.
Monkey studies dating back to 1969 show MSG causes lesions i.e. wounds or sores in the hypothalamus — your brain's weight control center. The hypothalamus is highly sensitive to MSG. This fact has been verified in test after test.
Brief time out: Are you feeling good about how the FDA is "protecting" our food supply? Thought so. You've got to get over the idea that the authorities — the people in charge — are looking out for you. They aren't.
Getting back to the hypothalamus, it's the organ where your leptin receptors regulate food intake. Leptin is the chemical that signals your brain you've had enough to eat. Once MSG destroys the leptin receptors, food intake is de-regulated and you gain weight. Your brain literally doesn't know when you're full, and you don't stop eating.
Unfortunately for humans, blood plasma tests show we're 20 times more sensitive to MSG than monkeys, and five times more sensitive than mice. And your young children and grandchildren are four times more sensitive than you are.
It's a poison — not an allergen!
What exactly does it mean when I say that MSG is an excitotoxin? MSG is an amino acid that serves as a neurotransmitter in your brain. Your body has some of these which are benign when naturally bound to protein. But the free glutamic acid (glutamate) of MSG is toxic to your brain. Just a reminder: MSG is called by many other names — more about that in a moment.
Excitotoxins excite your brain cells to death — and it can happen within moments. Consuming this substance kills brain cells.
Plus, MSG is damaging to other types of cells as well. Lab animals fed MSG also show toxic degenerative changes in their livers, kidneys, nerves, and eyes within minutes.
Most people think MSG makes people sick by triggering an allergic reaction. They're mistaken: this is not a case of food allergy. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon and leading expert on nutrition and the brain, assures us MSG is a toxin — a poison. You might not react the same as the next person, but it's still a poison. Everyone is damaged by it. The more you consume, the more you'll be damaged.
Dr. Blaylock is one of the top alternative medicine experts in the United States. You can read his excellent newsletter if you take advantage of a special offer I've arranged for Cancer Defeated subscribers — click here to view this offer.
MSG affects MUCH more than obesity...
Consuming MSG can result in seizures and death. It might give you obviousbrain damage. Or it might bring on subtle changes like losing connections to the nerve cells' dendrites and synapses, which start disappearing, retracting. Your malfunctioning brain then affects your endocrine system (thyroid, adrenal, and growth hormones).
It's actually worse when symptoms are so subtle they go unnoticed, because MSG has a cumulative destructive effect on cells and connections. The lucky people are the ones who have an acute reaction to MSG. At least they have a shot at figuring out what's making them sick — so they can stop eating it.
Dr. Russell Blaylock points out that in neurology you often don't develop symptoms until you've destroyed 80% of the neurons in a particular part of your brain.
Then wham!
Without warning you end up with Parkinson's disease or ALS. When you lose the last 10 or 20% you have a rush of symptoms. But the disease really began decades earlier.
MSG has been linked to a long and growing list of conditions: stroke, heart attacks, irregular heartbeat, epilepsy, grand mal seizures, M.S., stomach disorders, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, depression, headaches & migraines, numbness, autism, ADHD, asthma, disorientation, confusion, Parkinson's, ALS, Alzheimer's, and cancer.
The CDC cautions America's 23 million asthmatics that MSG can bring on an asthma attack.
A warning to healthy athletes...
More than 460,000 people per year now die of a disorder called sudden cardiac death.1
Shockingly, it strikes otherwise healthy people with no obvious symptoms of heart disease. An alarming number of the victims are young athletes — high school, college and professional.
There are many theories on this. But Dr. Blaylock believes that the mechanism responsible is excitotoxic damage from food additives and aspartame. And there is growing evidence he may be right.
Young athletes in particular tend to have low magnesium and omega-3 levels, high calcium levels, and multiple sources of excitotoxic food additives — a deadly combination.
What's more, strenuous exercise in extreme heat depletes the body's magnesium. Consuming carbonated drinks and taking calcium only aggravates the situation. And adrenalin, which is increased during exercise, promotes heart muscle irritability and magnesium loss, too.
Low magnesium is known to produce seizures and cause sudden cardiac arrest. A classic experiment found that putting stress on magnesium-deficient animals caused nearly every single one of them to die -- nearly 100% mortality. Adding magnesium slashed the death rate dramatically.
Deficiencies of omega-3 fatty acids (like those found in fish oil) also increase your danger of cardiac arrest and sudden death.

Avocados boast an impressive list of health-boosting compounds including:
  • Vitamins A, B, C, E and K
  • Minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc
  • Phytochemicals incuding beta-sitosterol, glutathione, and lutein
The bottom line is that avocados protect your health with lifesaving antioxidants that can…
…Protect your eyes from age-related diseases
…Control heart disease to keep your heart pumping longer and stronger
…Improve your digestive system with high fiber content
…Balance blood sugar levels
…Protect your joints from painful inflammation
Even more impressive is research that shows avocados can help prevent the growth of various cancers of the mouth, skin, and the male prostate gland!

Saturday, September 13, 2014


Photo: ब्राम्ही --
इसे आप अपने बागीचे मे स्थान दें। वह स्थान जहाँ पानी भरा रहता है या दलदली है ब्राम्ही के पौधे लगा दें। इसे गमले मे भी लगा सकते हैं , बहुत सुन्दर दिखते है । अधिक पानी देने से यह तुलसी और गुलाब के पौधो की तरह बहुत जल्दी ख़राब नही होगा। फिर खाने से पहले इसकी पत्तियो से चटनी बनाये और स्वादानुसार नमक वगैरह डालकर खाने के साथ खायें। चाहें तो इसे रोज खायी जाने वाली चटनी के साथ भी मिलाया जा सकता है। अच्छी नींद और दिमाग को राहत देने के लिये यह बडी कारगर है। 
- इसका शरबत बना कर पीने से गर्मी में भी मस्तिष्क को ठंडक मिलती है .
- स्मरण शक्ति के अच्छा है .
- बालों के विकास के लिए भी ये लाभदायक है.
- यह तनाव , मिर्गी , नसों और मस्तिष्क की बीमारियों में लाभदायक है.
ब्राम्ही --
इसे आप अपने बागीचे मे स्थान दें। वह स्थान जहाँ पानी भरा रहता है या दलदली है ब्राम्ही के पौधे लगा दें। इसे गमले मे भी लगा सकते हैं , बहुत सुन्दर दिखते है । अधिक पानी देने से यह तुलसी और गुलाब के पौधो की तरह बहुत जल्दी ख़राब नही होगा। फिर खाने से पहले इसकी पत्तियो से चटनी बनाये और स्वादानुसार नमक वगैरह डालकर खाने के साथ खायें। चाहें तो इसे रोज खायी जाने वाली चटनी के साथ भी मिलाया जा सकता है। अच्छी नींद और दिमाग को राहत देने के लिये यह बडी कारगर है। 
- इसका शरबत बना कर पीने से गर्मी में भी मस्तिष्क को ठंडक मिलती है .
- स्मरण शक्ति के अच्छा है .
- बालों के विकास के लिए भी ये लाभदायक है.
- यह तनाव , मिर्गी , नसों और मस्तिष्क की बीमारियों में लाभदायक है.

WARNING! MORE THAN 40 Foods never eat -coming from China

 1-Corn- corn from China. Some producers add sodium cyclamate to their corn. The purpose of this additive is to preserve the yellow color of...